Don't bet with Charlie

A week ago Sunday the Detroit Red Wings played the New York Rangers in the afternoon, and I thought it should be a good game let's see if Charlie @CharlieHeis would like to put a fiver on his team. It was a great game, that was decided in OT, now for the rough part, Charlie does not play nice. He absolutely destroyed me with this selection, he must take nots as well because there are a many here that I have been eye **** for some time. Lesson learned sir, lesson learned! Thank you very much!

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill.
MOW badge received.
MOW badge received.
-- Winston Churchill
I Love those zombies
What you can't will become.
Don't mess with Mr. Heis.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *