How long to rest?
When you get single sticks from a B&M, I assume they are ready to smoke, but when you receive an order from online or even sticks from a friend that just made a trip across the country, how long? Days, weeks, a month?
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if i get a package that was shipped via priority mail and it was in transit for only 2 days....i'll smoke the cigars the day they arrive without giving it a second thought.
but if the package was shipped, let's say from overseas, and took 2 weeks to get here....i'll try to let those rest for a week or 2 before lighting it up.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Most of mine sit in the humidor for several months before I light them up.
As for store bought, my closest B&M keeps them real good at all their locations; but there's a store near the office here which I call The Otter's Pocket cause everything in there is always as wet as....
Now and then I'll drop in the lounge about 3/4 mile away. I buy, I spark, right there and then. Never a prob. Likewise the lounge in Lancaster, where I stop when riding my murdercycle by. buy & spark. There's a lounge in Merryland ... a bit damp.
Well, after joining here post after post kept saying this tastes great after a x month long rest or y weeks long rest. And the really good ones, put them to sleep for a year or more. My thoughts were WTF!!! I just spent $$$ on what are supposed to be really good cigars and I cant smoke them? Well I happen to enjoy Perdomo products. Wife purchased my first ever box from them. As my collection grew into another humidor and now more than a few tupperdors, the ones from that very first box that I thought was so good, are not EXCELLENT.
I've got a lot of Perdomos, mostly all 2002 ESV, 12Yr. Aged Vintage all in Connecticut, sun grown and maduro. Have some others also. What I can tell you is the SG and Mads have improved with time. I haven't smoked the Connecticut's yet so can't comment on those but man I love their SG wrapped sticks!
If so I've come to my own personal conclusion that some blends just don't become what I expected with some age on them. I have never smoked a lot 23 so can't comment on that blend from Perdomo. I can tell you the 12 Yr. Aged Vintage SG Salomons still destroyed me with 2 years on them, half way through I was quite green
Next time i'll be sure it's well-rested.....
Well rested and if you can find some the Perdomo Patriarchs are most excellent also. Heck I like most Perdomo products.
Stupid question, what are you guys referring to when you say "B and M"?? And my next question kind of falls in line with this post. I received 20 cigars yesterday from here. They were in transit for 12 days. When I unwrapped them they seemed dry. Some of the wrappers cracked at the lightest pinch.
Reading some of the posts above, putting these bad boys in the humidor should take care of that problem? Or once a cigar is dry, it's done? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just bought a desk top humidor and haven't seasoned it yet so the cigars I just received are in the old, trusty humidor.
I would put them in the humidor with some fresh Boveda packs and let them rest for atleast a few weeks. Longer if you can stand it
Next one that may catch you as it did me: ROTT = Right Of The Truck