I think ozzy took the Steelers and gave the points.
I think you should go to the snob club.......I won
I will, and good for you.
Missed you two Minnesotans again. We had our first Morton Thanksgiving in about ten years. Tim and Colin have been off in different parts of the wide world at different times, Tim's deployments and Colin's year in Korea that lasted eight years. Tim will be with the UM ROTC detachment for two more years so there will more opportunities. Had a good visit with Tim, Anne, and the girls, Madeline and Charlotte. Got back late Sunday. All kinds of traffic.
Mikey-----Turkey Day was great with Papo and Mercy in Scranton. B's brother Rigo, wife Denise, and daughter Jezebelle were there too. Jezebelle had a great time playing with Vali. Denise is 100% full blooded Navajo, and very interesting to talk with.
Dear David Kreps,
A friendly last reminder about your event registration:
Corona Club - Tasting Club - November Event - RYES
When: November 30, 2017 7:00 PM, CST
Where: Corona Club
Guests are welcome. Please RSVP by end of day today. Call or email me if you would like to bring a guest.
****@coronaclubr.com or call me at 952-500-xxxx cell.
Event starts promptly at 7 pm. Hope to see you there. Thursday, November 30th.
Thanks for registering and we are looking forward to seeing you!
Best regards,
Corona Club
....Dallas +3.....you know I like the underdog....
Squawk! Squawk!!