Guitarded trade was not PC!

I went to the store I knew was getting KBS, I asked an employee if they had any left. He laughed and informed me there was a line of people waiting before the store opened, and they sold out in 10 minutes. Was talking to Michael on the vherf about this beer, any way I told him what happened and a trade was made. I need to send him more after I stock some new items. I mean DAMN this dude blew me away! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Check this out.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill.
MOW badge received.
MOW badge received.
Patricks end of a blind trade is not pc either. Check these beauties out! Original release La Imperiosa and La Historia and a bevy of nummy treats. Thank You!
What you can't will become.