Hey fellas,
I set out to water my humidification devices this evening. Upon examining the two humi care gel sticks from CI, I noticed the one has black spots in the gel. What do you seasoned vets think? Is this mold??? I've only ever used distilled water...

I set out to water my humidification devices this evening. Upon examining the two humi care gel sticks from CI, I noticed the one has black spots in the gel. What do you seasoned vets think? Is this mold??? I've only ever used distilled water...

“Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman – or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.” – George Burns
I've had mold start on crystals.
Nothing is safe from mold. You have to be watchful and wash everything off.
Which is why I despise those green foam pieces of garbage.
While crystals and beads aren't as susceptible to mold, they can still get it.
Which is why I run my humi at 65%, about 66% seems to be the threshold that keeps it at a minimum. For me, at least.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I watch the Dr. Joe Show pretty religiously on youtube, and he suggests running on 100% boveda. I've been contemplating that for a while; think I'm gonna make the switch.
The other desktop (my first) has always been run off those humi-sticks and boveda packs. Never had to replace the bovedas in either because you can actually recharge them!
So I would think that any mold that could get into the Bovedas would die off pretty quickly.
Mold tends to like to grow where moisture meets air and usually needs a good substrate that they like, such as paper, wood, leaves or some other moist porous material. While it can grow on glass, it is usually growing on what is on the glass, not the glass itself. Dirt, grime, algae, etc.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
-- Winston Churchill
29:00 mark:
And I've come to the conclusion that recharging them too long can fully "load" them; they get way more poofy (technical term) after recharging then when they're new. This would tell me that they will no longer act as a two-way system... they can give out moisture to dry sticks, but because they're fully loaded, they can't absorb if your humidor is getting too humid.
And, I might as well say, I reckon I disagree with peter's reckoning that a poofy onewill only give off moisture and won't absorb moisture. If you're lookin at a poofy one, you are lookin at one that has already proven it will continue to gain moisture beyond it's normal capacity. Why assume anything has changed?
Well,.............. that was fun.
MOW badge received.
19% RH this morning. Have 3 in a 40 count desktop that I open once a day and they last a week
I wish it were 19%
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.