Computer question

Any of you computer gurus know why Apple, in their wisdom, decided to eliminate the 'print' option that's long been available when you click on the 'share' symbol? It used to appear when you clicked on the 'more' option but with 10.3.1 it's no longer there.
I'm fairly sure it has something to do with Airdrop but, whatever, it's absence is a PITA.
I'm fairly sure it has something to do with Airdrop but, whatever, it's absence is a PITA.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
Oh, you said 'stagnant'. Sorry. I've got only one eye left so.....
What people do, they just send their pic in a text or some such.
Be my guess.
You know the old saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
It'd be nice, though, if there were some kind of work-around in this case.
Anytime I click on the 'share' symbol I get the above window. But if you scroll to the right of the 'add to notes' button you come to a 'more' button. This used to include a print option but it's gone now.
MOW badge received.
i almost never ever use my iPhone in the portrait position. How stupid of me. I never even tried that, but you're right. It's there.
Where's my dunce hat??
A million thanks, Chris @Yakster. I am grateful.