June Lottery

Well, so I'm a day late starting the June Lottery. Sorry. First thing yesterday, I discovered that the company which provides my real world job (as opposed to my side businesses) is about to be sold. I can almost certainly predict that I will become redundant by age seventy. The people I work for now make me assurances, but, face it, they will shortly sell their control to other people who I don't know and who owe me nothing and who are looking for ways to cut expenses. Knowing what I earn at this point versus what it would cost to replace me, hey, get real. This news came on the very heels of me losing the biggest client of my first business. In short, yesterday I concentrated on how to break it to R2knee2: time for us to throttle way back. She doesn't take change well.
On the flip side, I do. My cheerful assessment is it's time to go wide open throttle. Burn that fuel. As Churchill remarked after Dunkirk: "No war was ever won by evacuations." So often in human affairs diametrically propositions are equally true in the same time and place. So while dramatically cutting expenses, I also need to start up new internet ventures. Immediately. Hence, I'm looking for ideas providing passive income. For example, with the cigar factory I have a penny ante business whereby FX Smith's makes and ships the product, while I take the orders and deal with customers. That's what I need. Something binary, or something drop shipping. I have some ideas. I'll throw examples in as we go along this week. Starting with the yoga bling idea outlined below.
Enough preamble. For June, I was going to hitch my lottery tenner contest onto June Carter, cause who doesn't love that old time Johnny Cash country music. Instead, this new exigency falls into my lap. So here's the deal:
To get in the June lottery, just post IN.
To win five premiums and five home rolled, post an idea for a penny ante passive income internet business.

Like so:
Yoga bling. I see plenty of web sites selling yoga mats and such not paraphernalia; but I see basically none specializing in clay frogs meditating, or T-shirts with a dog doing the downward dog, or vinyasoapa, & such not. Easy to advertise on YouTube with videos of a gal doing snowga, or of myself doing red light yoga aboard my motorcycle, or etc. funny vids.
Best idea(s) as judged by me get(s) a tenner from me: 5 outstanding prems & 5 home rolled dog rockets. Your idea does not have to be well developed The whole key to it is "the world needs..."
June 1 I pull a random number for the IN and pick what I think is the best idea.
On the flip side, I do. My cheerful assessment is it's time to go wide open throttle. Burn that fuel. As Churchill remarked after Dunkirk: "No war was ever won by evacuations." So often in human affairs diametrically propositions are equally true in the same time and place. So while dramatically cutting expenses, I also need to start up new internet ventures. Immediately. Hence, I'm looking for ideas providing passive income. For example, with the cigar factory I have a penny ante business whereby FX Smith's makes and ships the product, while I take the orders and deal with customers. That's what I need. Something binary, or something drop shipping. I have some ideas. I'll throw examples in as we go along this week. Starting with the yoga bling idea outlined below.
Enough preamble. For June, I was going to hitch my lottery tenner contest onto June Carter, cause who doesn't love that old time Johnny Cash country music. Instead, this new exigency falls into my lap. So here's the deal:
To get in the June lottery, just post IN.
To win five premiums and five home rolled, post an idea for a penny ante passive income internet business.

Like so:
Yoga bling. I see plenty of web sites selling yoga mats and such not paraphernalia; but I see basically none specializing in clay frogs meditating, or T-shirts with a dog doing the downward dog, or vinyasoapa, & such not. Easy to advertise on YouTube with videos of a gal doing snowga, or of myself doing red light yoga aboard my motorcycle, or etc. funny vids.
Best idea(s) as judged by me get(s) a tenner from me: 5 outstanding prems & 5 home rolled dog rockets. Your idea does not have to be well developed The whole key to it is "the world needs..."
June 1 I pull a random number for the IN and pick what I think is the best idea.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
posted in the wrong place
pasted over at the trades & bombs section where it shoulda been in the first place