Has anyone dealt with the age verification on ccom? Any idea how long it will takes? I placed an order Day before yesterday and got an email to verify my age yesterday.
I did not get any notification whatsoever. After over a week went by i emaild two reps, after 3 days of no tesponce from either i called. I asked why my order has not shipped, was informed of the age thing, he took care of it in two mins and my order shipped later that day. Be glad they notified you, should be quick, but nothing moves over the weekend there.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
can someone tell me how to verify my age! ive been trying to for a hour now and Ive talk to customer service. No help . I just need point in the right direction. -zach
Now I have to prove I'm over 18?
I've been 18 almost 3 times now.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
MOW badge received.
I just click the "I'm over 18 button" @ purchase.
That's kinda strange.
What you can't forgive......you will become.
3.2222222 for me, never had a problem though
says something like “I verify that I am over 18” blah blah blah
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