Coffee grinder

So I burned up my hand me down electric grinder by going off the grid and bought some beans from Costco( I have learned my lesson, Peter). The beans looked wet and well I ground them up anyway or tried to. Any suggestions on a nice electric grinder that is not going to break the bank. Thanks and have a great weekend.
Same one I bought from @peter4jc some time ago and it works great.
Nobody like spending $125 on a grinder. But look at like this... keep it for 10 years, that's $12 a year or $1 a month. Why source the best beans you can and then not spend $1 a month on a grinder that'll make a better cup.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Buying a Baratza grinder also means that you'll be able to get replacement parts, I think they even still support the old Starbucks Barista grinders, and if you need to buy them they price the parts very reasonably. I've spoken with Baratza about this and they're committed to keeping grinders out of landfills, their support is also excellent.
If you're budget is really tight, you can check the Baratza website to see if they have any refurbished grinders available for sale. They support their refurbs for 1 full year and their prices are very competitive.
I use the Baratza Vario for my coffee, pour-over and the occasional espresso (I used to brew a lot more espresso) an the grinder is still performing well every day for the last seven years.
Hand grinders with great construction and design have become very popular lately. This new breed of grinder keeps the burrs from wobbling which improves the grind consistency which means less bitterness and astringency and the fact that you can make and sell these without having to go through the whole safety certification process means it's easier to bring them to market and their prices are very competitive. I have an Orphan Espresso Lido 2 that I use for traveling or brewing coffee at work, but a lot of the new grinders introduced since Orphan Espresso brought out the Pharos and showed everyone how good a hand grinder could be are smaller and more travel friendly. I don't have any specific recommendations because of lack of experience using these, but you can check out the coffee forums for more recommendations. You almost have to enjoy the fruits of manual labor to enjoy using a hand grinder. The grinding isn't that hard and doesn't take that long but it's a lot different than dumping beans in an electric grinder and switching it on.
I would recommend against the cheaper, older hand grinders with floating ceramic burrs like the Hario's, Kyocera, most if not all of the results for manual coffee grinders, this new generation of well made coffee grinders come from craftspeople and there's often waiting lists involved and small distribution channels.
from a posting on a facebook group for old photographs: 1908 , tired of wrapping loose coffee grounds in a cloth & boiling in water, producing a bitter, almost unpleasant drink, German born, Melitta Bentz, made holes in a brass cup, and using a piece of blotting paper from her son's homework, put it over the holes, put her fresh ground coffee onto the paper, filling it with hot water, and letting it drip through the holes, it was that moment, that she made a sweet & clean cup of coffee. She patented her filter system. It was because of her, that the Melitta Company was born, and is today, controlled by her Grandchildren Thomas & Stephen.....
Any advice, @peter4jc? Besides buy a baratza (which I Will do if this isn't repairable).
All I can say is that if you had an Encore instead of that Bodum, you'd be fixing it instead of throwing it out, and for a lot less I'd imagine.
Check out Baratza's website for refurbs; based on what I know of the company, I'm sure the refurbs are as good as new. But factor in shipping too - often you can get a new one online w/ free shipping almost as cheap.
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Its held up up fine until now, but the design seems lacking as the chute is very hard to clean out, and it does not disassemble all that much to clean dust out of.
Peter let me know if you see a deal on a baratza. I'll keep an eye out; I would definitely grab one if they were on sale.
Yeah yeah... been meaning to place another order. I was just thinking that I should what you can send me! Just Starbucks and 8oclock for me lately.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
1) try cleaning it out with a can of compressed air (like you'd use on a computer) to blow all the "gunk" out of the inside.
2) if you do figure out what's wrong, and ID which part needs replace.....try contacting bodum by phone at (800) 232-6386.
the burr piece on mine was worn down and giving me inconsistent grind size ... so i called bodum, explained the situation, and asked if i could buy a replacement burr since i was way outside of warranty.... instead they offered to send me a new burr at no charge. they may not do that for everyone but it's worth a shot....
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
If it does me any more trouble I may take it apart and see what's going on. Glad to hear they helped you out on replacing the part. Im afraid its a motor issue, if anything, which is likely way beyond my ability to fix or reassemble.
I give it a good cleaning about every week or so (whenever the hopper runs out of beans) and I think that's helped prolong the life.
Also, you can use the "contact" feature on their website to get a hold of them too:
Good luck!
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *