Just got finished watching the new 2012 Movie which I've been waiting to come out for about 2 years now when I first heard they were making a movie about it. I gotta say, it was probably one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. Special affects were pretty cool but I thought they were gonna feed something halfway believable. This is not the story of the end of the world. This is the story of the luckiest SOB ever to walk to the face of the earth and his family, who defied the odds and cheated death in a 3 day period more times than Jesus stepped on sand. Don't waste your time!!!
I Thought that was interesting to say the least... I'm not trying to hate or spread a message of contempt. But to fear for your life because of a work of fiction... I'm just not seeing the same respect.
It's ok for them to have their views and brandish their message but if I even portray my view in the art I create it's punishable by death.
This is a very interesting and almost unspoken dilemma....
I agree with you Stephen. There's certainly a lot of hypocratical aspects of muslim extremist, not to be confused with your normal muslim. A true muslim would never disrespect another person's beliefs.
"Long ashes my friends."