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Humidity in humidor

static750static750 Posts: 7
I purchased a 14 drawer humidor from Thompson cigars (https://www.thompsoncigar.com/product/EXECUTIVE-LUCKY-14-CHERRYWOOD-HUMIDOR/96083.uts?cm_vc=8393&subCategoryId=8393&categoryId=8393&parentCategoryId=8389) and seasoned it myself. I did the wipe down method with distilled water and also placed two small tupperware containers of distilled water (little in bottom of each one - not full) inside the humidor for a few days.

Now the left side will not raise above 60% humidity and the right side will not drop below 72% (even after leaving door open and drawers hanging out overnight for 8 hours on three separate days).
I'm using the supplied hygrometers cause I cannot find a replacement digital hygrometer that will fit the front hole.

Should I allow the humidor to complete dry and then re-season with the Boveda packs? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I'm becoming very frustrated. Oh yeah I have 70 cigars on right side and 52 cigars on left side. At the moment I have the small circular humidifier in the left side top drawer trying to raise the humidity level. I would like to achieve 65% on both sides. Also I live in Southern MD

Best Answers


  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
    After the recommended two weeks of seasoning the empty humidor, the humidity should even out and be ready for cigars.  You can store your cigars in tupperware or Ziploc bags with Bovedas until the seasoning is done.
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  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s a new humidor, it can take a while to settle down. 
  • static750static750 Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I had the right door open for at least 7 hours today and the left one I accidentally left open for 2 hours. Both hygrometers didn't fluctuate at all so I believe they are broke and not functioning at all. Still reads 60% on left and 70% on right
  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭
    static750 said:
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I had the right door open for at least 7 hours today and the left one I accidentally left open for 2 hours. Both hygrometers didn't fluctuate at all so I believe they are broke and not functioning at all. Still reads 60% on left and 70% on right
    The analog ones that come in humidors aren't any good. Pick up some descent digital ones and just lay them in one of the drawers. Do salt test them or get the boveda calibration kit.
  • NOGILLS2NOGILLS2 Posts: 156 ✭✭✭
    My suggestion is go to a big box store and pick up an indoor/ outdoor thermometer with two sensors, place a sensor in each side and you will be in business for a small price.
    I am a happy man. You have made me very grateful. For this is the very first time that the Crown Jewels have ever been adequately & deliriously praised by an unprejudiced person. Still it is the cigars' own fault that this is so for it is a cigar which excites envy & jealousy in the smoker because he knows & feels the truth of which you have said; that there is no other cigar that is just like it. There are cigars which resemble it but only in appearance, not in spirit & not in the ability to dare & do. There is no other cigar that can make a person want to go away & get by himself & think this life over & wonder if it is altogether worth while. I will send you some more when you get out. Let me know. Any man of fine intelligence who is acquainted with Crown Jewels prizes them above any other gems & saves them & hoards them. I gave Harry Rogers a box two years ago & he has them yet. Let me know when you are out.
  • static750static750 Posts: 7
    Never thought about the indoor/outdoor thermometer. Wasn't sue how accurate the sensor work.
  • Diver43Diver43 Posts: 2,169 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You can leave the hygrometers in place for looks, but pick up a couple decent digitals to put inside.  Good luck
    Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
  • NOGILLS2NOGILLS2 Posts: 156 ✭✭✭
    static750 said:
    Never thought about the indoor/outdoor thermometer. Wasn't sue how accurate the sensor work.
    I have had mine since I put together my collerador, and it works awesomely. Temp 71, 62-65 humidity. Cigars burn well.
    I am a happy man. You have made me very grateful. For this is the very first time that the Crown Jewels have ever been adequately & deliriously praised by an unprejudiced person. Still it is the cigars' own fault that this is so for it is a cigar which excites envy & jealousy in the smoker because he knows & feels the truth of which you have said; that there is no other cigar that is just like it. There are cigars which resemble it but only in appearance, not in spirit & not in the ability to dare & do. There is no other cigar that can make a person want to go away & get by himself & think this life over & wonder if it is altogether worth while. I will send you some more when you get out. Let me know. Any man of fine intelligence who is acquainted with Crown Jewels prizes them above any other gems & saves them & hoards them. I gave Harry Rogers a box two years ago & he has them yet. Let me know when you are out.
  • static750static750 Posts: 7
    Has anyone ever used the indoor/outdoor thermometer? If so what brand and what results have you had? Thanks!
  • static750static750 Posts: 7
    Thinking about buying this one and see how well it works. Thanks for the response @deadman.

    NOGILLS2 - what brand are you using?

  • static750static750 Posts: 7
    Glad I stumbled onto this site. I appreciate everyone's advice. I sent a request to Famous Smoke to see if this hygrometer will fit.


    If not I will either buy the indoor/outdoor AcuRite or this one.


  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Walmart acurite unit in the cooler

    Desktop unit (reseasoning that’s why it’s high)

  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    deadman said:
    Walmart acurite unit in the cooler

    I use these. Got tired of replacing little button batteries in the smaller "humidor hygrometers". 
  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bob_Luken said:
    deadman said:
    Walmart acurite unit in the cooler

    I use these. Got tired of replacing little button batteries in the smaller "humidor hygrometers". 
    It’s about 3 years old and replaced the batteries once. In a desktop it takes up a lot of real estate. 
  • static750static750 Posts: 7
    Thanks for the pics - think that's going to be the avenue I take (Acurite)
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,071 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is what I use. I’ve had it about 7 years. Can’t be calibrated but is constant 4 percent high. Only had to change batteries once. Paid 5$ for it on eBay. 
  • WaterNerdWaterNerd Posts: 3,376 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Welcome to the forum @static750

    Here's the unit I use. Love it. Don't have to open anything up to check the humidity and you can add up to 8 sensors. I currently have 4

    Did the salt test on each sensor and all are 1% low so it worked out great for me since I'm math challenged :)
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
    — Abraham Lincoln

  • NOGILLS2NOGILLS2 Posts: 156 ✭✭✭
    static750 said:
    AcuRite is the brand, I paid about $20 for it, it has worked great! I use kitty litter for humidity, and a cooler for humidor, and it is trouble free, not very pretty but, it is in my man cave, so no real problem!

    I am a happy man. You have made me very grateful. For this is the very first time that the Crown Jewels have ever been adequately & deliriously praised by an unprejudiced person. Still it is the cigars' own fault that this is so for it is a cigar which excites envy & jealousy in the smoker because he knows & feels the truth of which you have said; that there is no other cigar that is just like it. There are cigars which resemble it but only in appearance, not in spirit & not in the ability to dare & do. There is no other cigar that can make a person want to go away & get by himself & think this life over & wonder if it is altogether worth while. I will send you some more when you get out. Let me know. Any man of fine intelligence who is acquainted with Crown Jewels prizes them above any other gems & saves them & hoards them. I gave Harry Rogers a box two years ago & he has them yet. Let me know when you are out.
  • I'm using 5 of the black ice quarters in a 100-125 capacity humidor and can't get the humitiy above 63. Does anyone have any ideas?
  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm using 5 of the black ice quarters in a 100-125 capacity humidor and can't get the humitiy above 63. Does anyone have any ideas?
    Did you season it?
    Check for leaks.
  • Yes it was seasoned and always had an issue with consistency that's why I'm trying the  black ice and cigar juice. It seems to close and seal well but that could very well be the problem 
  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You using a digital hydrometer?
  • Yes
  • deadmandeadman Posts: 8,855 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Sorry for playing 20 questions but trying to get the complete picture. 

    First 63 isn't a bad rh. Is it a new setup or established. Sounds like a new setup to me. In that case I would give it some time, as long as it doesn't dip lower. Throw in some boveda packs also.

    Is it a glass top unit?

    I was using the black ice with a 100 count. Still had to have 4 boveda packs in with them. I now have removed the black ice and added a few more bovedas. 

  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    I will say for rH that 63 really isn’t bad at all. Some people like to keep their rH closer to 70% and some like to keep it lower. I’ve noticed that here in CO with higher elevation and dryer air that my sticks age and smoke better if I keep the rH between 61-64% so for me staying at 63% is perfect. I will say that 63% isn’t “too low” and you’re in no danger of your sticks drying out. So it’s up to you really, but I would suggest boveda packs instead of black ice. Nice thing is you can recharge boveda packs so you don’t have to worry about buying new ones every few months. 
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,071 ✭✭✭✭✭
    63 isn’t bad at all. Lots of people keep there’s at that because it burns better. Since I’ve switched to Boveda it just takes all the hassle out of it. 
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