Microwave Ovens

Our microwave died, quite spectacularly I might add.
When was the last time you went to buy food and you did not pick up something that required a MW?
Now I know a lot of you are he man types and a fire and a dead animal is all you need.
But there are a lot of folks who need that reassuring bing/bonk/ding to eat.
Think about it.
Shelf after shelf of MW only products and they are growing. Good thing I can boil water, Raman is safe. But, how do I cook a sausage biscuit? Remember the one great thing about MWing is the lack of dirty dishes.
When was the last time you went to buy food and you did not pick up something that required a MW?
Now I know a lot of you are he man types and a fire and a dead animal is all you need.
But there are a lot of folks who need that reassuring bing/bonk/ding to eat.
Think about it.
Shelf after shelf of MW only products and they are growing. Good thing I can boil water, Raman is safe. But, how do I cook a sausage biscuit? Remember the one great thing about MWing is the lack of dirty dishes.
Post edited by jd50ae on
Ended up going from store to store looking for one we (the wife) liked.
It's amazing how many different types of microwaves there are now and all the fancy options.
Under cabinet, hood type, counter top, with convection and so many different settings, it boggles the mind.
I finally did figure out where the time and start is on our microwave though, so there is that. LOL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Got an installed microwave oven...custom kitchen deliverayyyy!! Sorry, couldn't resist lol.
But it started me thinking.
I use to be a great cook, tinkered with the idea of being a chef.
It has all become too easy and too simple and imagination is no longer needed.
There is no longer anything that suits its reason for invention in the first place.
What happened to the scrub board and yellin across the hollar(?).
Why do I cherish my Mother's old cast iron skillet over the expensive new stuff?
Julia sweetheart, it is time to reacquaint ourselves.
Theyre mainly casseroles but other dishes as well. And they’re just enough for two people with (usually) no leftovers. Definitely suitable for the microwave although you can also do them on the stovetop.
Some of the brands are Bertolli, PF Chang, Lemon Grass Kitchens, Birds Eye, etc. And there are numerous selections among them. A couple of my favorites are Sesame Chicken or Mongolian style Beef. Some are to be served over rice but it’s easy to cook up a cup of rice on the stovetop.
These meals are done in 10 - 11 minutes in the microwave or on the stovetop. These things worked very well for me when I had to be Chief Cook and Bottle Washer and this kind of evolution is, as I said earlier, great for us oldfarts....
When the water boils i dump I dump in the rice, stir it, put the lid on it, and slide it over onto the second burner. Let it simmer on that second burner for 20 minutes WITHOUT RAISING THE LID TO PEEK. When my timer goes off at 20 minutes I slide the pot to a cool spot and let it sit for 5 minutes WITHOUT RAISING THE LID. After 5 minutes just raise the lid, fluff the rice with a fork, and serve.
Its really pretty simple and I didn’t have to buy a rice cooker. I’ve never had the rice stick to the pot. Maybe the dab of butter helps with that, I don’t know.
Didn't have a microwave for a long time.
They were expensive back then.
Then again, I can't cook anything, except Salmon, Dungeness crab and Top Ramen.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Gonna try this next.
Darn. Gotta order the fish sauce and red curry paste.