Cigars From Mexico?

My Daughter is in Mexico on vacation and is asking what I want her to bring with her. My question is, can she legally bring them back to the states? Did a quick search online and everything is a couple of years old saying you can up $100 worth.
I don't want her hassled t customs over this.
I don't want her hassled t customs over this.
‘Nuff said......
The "cuban cigars" sold at the hotels, by guys on the beach, and at carry-outs in the Caribbean are counterfeit products and not the legitimate thing.
They may end up being smokable cigars, but they could also be nasty floor scraps/sweepings.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
If you're coming from a third-party country (i.e. Mexico, Dominican Republic, etc.) ..... you can bring up to 100 cigars, manufactured in any country including Cuba, valued at no more than $800 back to the U.S. every 31 days tax-free.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *