Has anyone changed their mind about AR 15 rifles and destroyed theirs?

I still have my 3 in the safe. One for punching paper, yes they can be extremely accurate, another is for hunting wild hogs, yes they are good for hunting and another set up for home defense.
They reside in our home and have never harmed anyone. They just kind of sit there unless a person picks one up.
I dont need anymore, but have spare parts in case something breaks.
They are by definition NOT assault rifles, they only go bang once when the trigger is pulled. Never been used in war, those were full auto or 3 round burst M-16s now changed to M-4 configuration.
What I have are AR15s. Armalite Rifles, so named fir the company that produced them.
No automatic or any other evil description given to them by the media or polititians that know nothing of which they speak.
Wonder if I alone think that way here
They reside in our home and have never harmed anyone. They just kind of sit there unless a person picks one up.
I dont need anymore, but have spare parts in case something breaks.
They are by definition NOT assault rifles, they only go bang once when the trigger is pulled. Never been used in war, those were full auto or 3 round burst M-16s now changed to M-4 configuration.
What I have are AR15s. Armalite Rifles, so named fir the company that produced them.
No automatic or any other evil description given to them by the media or polititians that know nothing of which they speak.
Wonder if I alone think that way here
Logistics cannot win a war, but its absence or inadequacy can cause defeat. FM100-5
I called the person and bought it.
Went down to the store and bought bullets for it.
Every truck in my high school parking lot had a gun rack with a gun in it.
Now I don't know what is more amazing, that there were no shootings or no guns were stolen.
Every guy carried a Buck knife on their belt and they were considered tools, not weapons.
They talk about how there isn't enough gun control regulations, but before the mid 80s, there was little gun control. Gun control has steadily increased, but so have the shootings.
A kid can't just go buy a rifle, like in the 60s, 70s and 80s.
They can't just go buy ammo either.
They talk about raising the age to buy guns and ammo to 21.
Ok, so a kid can join the military at 18, yet won't be legal to purchase a gun?
And they think that people won't be able to get guns?
Purchase and possess are 2 different things.
Are they going to make it illegal for someone under 21 to possess a gun?
How well do you think that will go over in states like Montana, Tennessee, etc., where young folks grow up with guns?
And lastly, what is the difference between an AR-15 and a Winchester SXR other than the SXR has a small magazine?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Your forgetting something. When you were a teenager you were a lot smarter, more mature, wiser then any kid of today. You worked harder, had more respect and were far more likely to take personal responsibility for your actions then any of the smart mouthed jerk offs of today. Schools actually taught you useful stuff like the 3Rs and not the liberal gender bending garbage crap they are indoctrinating the kids of today with.
I loved reading and it is becoming a lost skill today. I am not kidding when I slip in the question "would you hire a "college" graduate today"? Foul mouthed and bad manners is the norm.
Originally they wanted a 2 tier voting system, Military and 21, but that discriminated against women. But lbj wanted the votes so it finally got to be 18 years of age. It was on the docket for a lot of years before Vietnam made it possible, I believe WWI was when it first reared its head.
But you are 100% correct about one thing. Laws are for honest people and the thugs will get firearms if they have to kill someone to get them.
Again I say, do not confuse the thugs with the school shootings. It is 2 distinct and separate arguments.
These kids are calling for banning all guns. They are speaking from emotions which is understandable, the rest just riding the band wagon.
Before we allow kids to change law, remember a few weeks ago we were trying to get them to stop eating laundry soap
People want pit bulls outlawed too.
People love to put the blame on the thing, instead of the cause of the problem.
People are the cause of the problem. Not the thing.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
Did'ja see where some guy beat someone to death with a Hammer? Anyone suing Stanley? They made the hammer you know. It's probably their fault, isn't it? God knows this country needs more hammer regulation.
Of course, sarcasm aside, most of today's youth couldn't hit a nail with a hammer. At least, I'm not holding the nail for 'em!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I read the other day that more people are killed using hammers in America than using rifles.
However, reason, history, contemporary example, rights, statistics are all simply irrelevant to people whose only language is emotion.
What a coincidence, so did I
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
Back to your regular programming.
That looks like a blast. With all the full auto firing, especially the mini gun, i dont think i could afford the ammo let alone the several thousands for the guns.
An evil teen throws a football off a freeway overpass, causing a huge pile up, and 17 people die.
Let’s let the teen go, but ban 75% of all football games in the
US. Nobody NEEDS to watch football. We’re not afraid of the
NFL (resist!). We could do background checks and age limits on anyone buying a football. Then, what if there had been a
Constitutional amendment written in the 18th century,
Granting the right of any American the right to own a football,
But we now ignore that, because feelings are more important than calculated rational thought.