New Modern Doctor's office visit.

Is it ever going to end?
New totally computerized system.
Your handed a "Tablet" when you walk in. Answer questions that were never asked before, everytime you walk in.
Make a Co-Pay payment by debit or CC. I am using a check or cash just to be difficult. I still get a bill in the mail.
Go to demographics and you get this, "Birth Sex / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity".
No one has ever asked if I own firearms, yet.
Whole visit and the doctor is poking with his pen on his "tablet".
The Computer says I have diabetes, the doctor didn't, the Computer did. So now I take metformin and stick myself once or twice a day.
Messed up my fasting and I could just show up for a blood draw, like I have done in the past. The computer shows it as another visit and Co-Pay.
None of the old hands are left, and the young lady who takes the blood pressure has a timeline for another job.
The older patients are a bit put off by the electronics and more time is spent getting them through the process then time spent with the doctor.
The former office staff were wonderful, and answered any question or handled any problems on the spot. Now it is wait and see.
If I didn't need my scripts I would stop going.
And I believe that it will become so impersonal that I could send someone else in my place.
New totally computerized system.
Your handed a "Tablet" when you walk in. Answer questions that were never asked before, everytime you walk in.
Make a Co-Pay payment by debit or CC. I am using a check or cash just to be difficult. I still get a bill in the mail.
Go to demographics and you get this, "Birth Sex / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity".
No one has ever asked if I own firearms, yet.
Whole visit and the doctor is poking with his pen on his "tablet".
The Computer says I have diabetes, the doctor didn't, the Computer did. So now I take metformin and stick myself once or twice a day.
Messed up my fasting and I could just show up for a blood draw, like I have done in the past. The computer shows it as another visit and Co-Pay.
None of the old hands are left, and the young lady who takes the blood pressure has a timeline for another job.
The older patients are a bit put off by the electronics and more time is spent getting them through the process then time spent with the doctor.
The former office staff were wonderful, and answered any question or handled any problems on the spot. Now it is wait and see.
If I didn't need my scripts I would stop going.
And I believe that it will become so impersonal that I could send someone else in my place.
You just gave one of the best explanations as to why that answer is, and will remain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Of course it is then a federal database isnt it? The Military is collecting firearms info via the moving process. Program asks firearms yes or no. If answered yes a pop up wants make, caliber, model, serial number, where purchased. If asked my advice is put them in your trunk.
"You know, that's really none of your F---ing business."
"You are correct, Sir." I replied, then added "If you'd like, I will happily type that in as your response to any of these questions that you may object to. As long as I put it in quotations, I can put in whatever your response is."
Made us both happy.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain