Nobel Prize for Trump/Kim?

"Coral, one of the top British bookmakers, has Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un as favorites — at 2/1 odds — to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year. They’re ahead of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Saudi activist Raif Badawi, Pope Francis and other potential winners. If their talks go as well as Friday’s summit between Kim and his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in, and peace is restored to the Korean peninsula, they’ll both deserve it"
Don't get me wrong, I hope this all works out for the best......But I have a feeling he's just playing a game with China and Russia pulling the strings.
Ether way, it's going to take years to play out.
Look, even Nixon... is he remembered for bringing China out of the dark and into the relatively sane world? No. China was a hermit kingdom at the time. China was Stalin and North Korea all rolled into one, but with a billion people, fielding an army of three million goose-stepping fanatics, armed with nukes. Mao didn't give a whit how many millions he murdered in the name of Revolution. Now what do you see? Place making crappy tools that fall apart in your hands, iPhones, tainted dog food, Olympic host, gonna get basketball franchises. Did Nixon get a Nobel for de-fuzing that ticking time bomb? No way! Kissinger, yes, for a Viet Nam treaty broken before the ink was dry. Nixon, no way. Look, stop and reflect carefully: Can you think of any one accomplishment more responsible for averting WWIII than Nixon's success persuading Peking to prefer profit over power?
Take your time. Name me one. Whatcha got?
Run out of public life because nitwits bugging the hotel where the DNC ran a ring of call girls bungled the job. His name is infamous.
Trump's already got a running head start on Nixon's infamy. Trump's hotel was bugged before he was even elected. When he claimed so he was despised as a lunatic liar. Since proved true the facts've been ignored.
No. Obama gets a Nobel just for showing up; Trump gets despised just for showing up. I'm not saying he's not an ass; I just say that if it weren't for double standards the Left would have no standards at all. ... and the Left includes these knucklehead Swedes on the prize committee.
The year they handed the Nobel to Gore in lieu of Irena Sendler they lost any respect from me.
Can you imagine the riots in Stockholm if he were awarded?
The NOBEL committee has been taken over by liberal progressive hacks.
Proof=obozo gets the award for no reason at all. He even admitted it.
If sanity ever again rears its ugly head and worms its way into the media and politics and all the rest of it, and "let the truth be known" was the standard, maybe, just maybe, Trump would stand a chance. I don't care if you like Trump and his tweets or not, learn to deal with the truth of his accomplishments, and the consequences of a rogue media and its hacks.
I have looked behind every tree on our property and have not found a single Russian. I have found a lot of chicken eggs.
The accusation is all the proof you need.
I have to laugh a little at all the uproar over "Russians meddling in our elections".
The serious meddling happens much closer to home. In fact, right here at home.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I'm not sure of the award dates, but in '72, the year he went to China, no Peace Prize was awarded, either. Henry "War Crimes" Kissinger won in 73, which was kind of a laugh.
As to the incident at the Watergate...he's rightly remembered. It was a mess. Plenty of blame and shame to go around, for sure, but Nixon and his subordinates deserved every bit of punishment they got (or escaped from because of pardons.) The best thing to come out of that was Chuck Colson. While not agreeing with all of his theological stances, he always made me think. And that quote about how Watergate is what convinced him that the claims of Jesus' apostles had to be true since he knew people couldn't keep a conspiracy going is pure gold.
But to the point of the post...
If these efforts have any positive international effect on commerce, cessation of hostilities, demilitarization, or the improvement of the quality of life for the citizens of North Korea, it will be absolutely deserved. I say that, and I'm not a fan of DJT. I would like to know who the other nominees are, though, before I say he's more deserving.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.