Border debate

Not sure which side of the wall everybody is on but I am a frequent(weekly) border crosser at a rather small border checkpoint and this week there was a group of families(30 people) waiting to cross, first time in 6 years I have seen this. Have seen the news about caravans and all. Do you think the caravan folks are being persecuted in their homeland or is this a political ploy.
A little dirt never hurt
The answer to which is plainly "both".
a) People flee schidtholes. Can't blame 'em.
b) Dems and their media minions see illegals as votes.
I think it remarkable that 35 years ago Cesar Chavez, an immigrant, maintained the border ought to be closed, because the continual influx of braceros made it impossible for naturalized Americans to demand a living wage in the fields.
( Note that nobody called Cesar Notsee or racist. )
At least when braceros were introduced as a war time measure to supplement a work force which had in great part been exported to fight overseas, that was an exigent excuse. Twenty years later, the program was simply an artifact maintained to reduce the cost of produce. Ending that program did not end the influx.
Some problems cannot be solved by choosing sides.
Just kidding.
In all seriousness, it's a complicated problem. As Webmost pointed out, sometimes there's just not an up or down choice to be made, no matter how simple our tastes may be.
I've long held that a wall is a wall on both sides of the wall, keeps us in just as well as it keeps them out, and used the Iron Curtain as an example.
eg. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
On the other hand, the Iron Curtain quite often divided one cultural group of people from, well , itself. So that aspect needs to be considered as well.
We certainly don't need to be allowing just any kind of thug or trash to be crossing into our territory willy-nilly, and it is happening. That's a fact.
We also need to recognize our heritage of offering asylum and opening our doors to the worlds immigrants seeking freedom and opportunity, the huddled masses yearning to be free, the means by which many or most of us arrived here in past generations. That should not be forgotten, should it?
Hard question, no doubt.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
-- Winston Churchill
In all seriousness though, if they aren't criminals, war criminals, drug runners or otherwise and families looking for asylum, then I have no problem with it.
The problem is, how are they properly vetted, with so many trying to come in at one time?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.