I am an Addict

I can't stop
Cravings are all the time
If I don't have it I can't sleep
First thing when I get up
Again in the afternoon
Last thing before bed
Whoever came up with it is evil
There are big ones
There are little ones
There are plain ones
And fancy ones
Someone making a score brings me out of a sound sleep
Ice Cream Sandwiches have put me on the road to ruin
Cravings are all the time
If I don't have it I can't sleep
First thing when I get up
Again in the afternoon
Last thing before bed
Whoever came up with it is evil
There are big ones
There are little ones
There are plain ones
And fancy ones
Someone making a score brings me out of a sound sleep
Ice Cream Sandwiches have put me on the road to ruin
My boss was talking about how he couldn't find the neapolitan bars anymore.