C'mon Disco, The Prequel

Thanks Ricky. These all look very tasty and are tempting me to smoke 'em ROTT.
Well Charlie, I believe it was me Ricky was V-herf talking to when the conversation turned to Perdomos. He asked if I had ever picked up some of the 20th anniversary maduro and I told him I had tried quite a few other Perdodmos but I did not recall trying the 20th. He informed me that I would soon have the opportunity. Fast forward a few weeks and,..... Bang! Bang! You and me both got some sweet sticks to try. He obviously had a bit of trouble remembering exactly who,.... or maybe that was just a excuse to also hit you. Love ya Ricky! I'll get you those dog rockets you wanted.

@Rhamlin @CharlieHeishttps://forum.cigar.com/discussion/899490/cmon-disco