My last week and a half and my not so common back surgery.

At first my spinal fusion went well. For about a day and half. Then a massive hematoma set against my spinal cord. Back to emergency surgery. Paralyzed from the hips down, i was actually fearful. A week has passed and i have come from a power chair to a walking staff and finally today walked without any aid. Not even a cane. Life is good. God is good.
Had a MRI done last year because of pain in my right butt, fusion looked great ended up being a high hamstring tear.
I don't believe in sitting still and i atrribute this to my speedy recovery.
My neurologist advised me to lay flat for three weeks.
I reckon I'd be dead by now from boredom.
I put my health in God's hands and accomplish what i can each day. Thanks for the word's of accomplishments.