Still Under Attack... Reporting From The Bunker

After all the bombing runs on my humble abode as of late, I moved to the bunker for self preservation. When i arrived tonight i dove for cover just in time before the latest attack from the coffee bully, @peter4jc. Wow I am so undeserving of such goodness. Not only did St. Pete send coffee and cigars, but he apparently has renamed the ally cat blend, the Bigfoot blend, I have proof on the label. You guys are awesome, what a great group of friends. I think this may be an elaborate plot to get peanut butter fudge, or force me to buy a cooler.

I was born a fool, and just got bigger!
Post edited by TNBigfoot68 on
MOW badge received.
Great job!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
-- Winston Churchill
MOW badge received.