Death Of The Drive-In

What ever happened to the joy of drive-ins? Granted the picture quality sucks but that's half the fun... Cool weather, beer on ice, cigars, wacky tobaccy or whatever your vice is.. We have 1 left still operating so I try to get there once a year but one by one my group is dwindling for packed theaters with big screens and coughing neighbors... tisk, tisk.
When I was in high school you couldn't wait to be able to drive. These days kids say "Yeah, but if I can drive I might have to do stuff, like going to the store and driving my little sister places. That would suck. "
And, why leave the house when today the parents don't do anything to you for smoking weed and getting laid in your bedroom?
It's a different world.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
After we moved up here, probably went a dozen times it that. They're all new car lots or shopping centers now....Even the porn one closed down years ago.
The train that runs behind the theater parking lot and the airplanes on the flight path didn't help with the enjoyment, but I still have fond memories.
Anyone smoke cigars at the drive in?
@Yakster sure do, that's why it's nice to go. You drink/ smoke what you want and don't share the arm rest with a stranger.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
Ahhhh...cruising down memory lane. Chris, I had forgotten about Frontier Village but I remember it now, South down Monterrey Hgwy @ Branham, Been there too! I used to have some of the fruit shaped plastic drink cups from there. David, that was the "Winchester" out near 17 if I remember correctly.. Wow, starting to feel the aches n pains from the mileage on these bones just reading this stuff, LOL.
We used to load up my pick up with people in the bed, had a bench seat in the back and my buddy could fit about 9 people in his Belvedere battleship.
We'd load up a cooler, snack and blankets.
Most times, they were those wool military blankets. Hated those things.
But the drive in was a weekend schedule for us. We didn't care what movie was playing. We even went to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes at the drive in.
It was a sad day when the drive in closed for the last time.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.