Reflections & Thanks

This morning after returning home from an early work day, I sat in the car and read Facebook Post and C-Com Post, and realized how thankful I am. God has been so great in my life, I have an awesome beautiful wife who is super supportive, Even though this is my first Thanksgiving without my Mother, I am so thankful for all the wonderful Thanksgivings with her. The wonderful wisdom and toughness I learned from her. I am so thankful for the great example my Dad has been to me. So thankful we still Have him. I have been so blessed by all the awesome people in my life, including all you awesome folks from the forum, you have an incredible place in my heart. I have many more blessings than I can even start to count. Happy Thanksgiving.
I was born a fool, and just got bigger!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.