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Finally, some good news.....

jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
A few weeks ago I sent two of my Xikar lighters back to them for some warranty work. I sent them via priority mail using the address printed on Xikar’s return form. The gal at the post office told me the post office box I had addressed the package to was invalid so I checked it again on Xikar’s form and I had it right. I told her to check it again. 

She did, and still said the address was no good. She asked me if I wanted her to force it to go to the address I was using and I told her yes. I got a receipt and a tracking number and watched the tracking until the word came back that my pkg had been received. At that point, I tossed the receipt. 

The last time time I sent these lighters back they were worked on and returned to me in just a few weeks. This time, after a few weeks went by and I still had not received even an acknowledgement that they had received them, I began to worry that they’d been lost. So I sent an email inquiring as to their status. 

I got back a fairly generic form response saying that they’d had a lot of returns recently and that I should hear something in 3 to 6 weeks. Still, though, no mention of my (possibly) lost lighters. This didn’t cheer me up any.  

Then, just the other day, I finally received an acknowledgement that they had received them and that the lighters were in process. It also had a link to a repair order number that, when clicked, showed the status of my lighters. It indicated that they were going to replace them rather than repair them. 

Sooooo, I should be getting ‘em back fairly soon. Things are looking up....  :D


  • PatrickbrickPatrickbrick Posts: 8,025 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is good news.
    "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give".  Winston Churchill.
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  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And that is the reason why I tend to buy from Xikar.
    I've had the same cutter to them 3 times in the last 15 years. 
    Each time, it is repaired/shapened and sent back. No questions.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • HawkeyeHawkeye Posts: 246 ✭✭✭✭
    It is nice how they stand behind their products.  I was half expecting a horror story with it ending in you buying a new lighter of another brand.
    Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 17,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now all's you have to hope for is that your postal system gets them back into your grubby mitts.  The good news is good, but not complete.   :)
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    What you say is true, @peter4jc, but the major relief is that I now know that they got to Xikar. I was beginning to worry that the gal in the post office was right. 

    Anyway, I’m such a good kid that my guardian angel will look out for me. 😬

    Seriously, I’m blessed. And the older I get, the more I realize it. Good things that have happened to me and for me over the years were blessings I failed to recognize at the time. 

    End of theophilosiphical discourse by the Oldfart....   o:)
  • TX98Z28TX98Z28 Posts: 2,448 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Xikar is beyond slow... I'm still waiting on my "free leather sheaths" for cutters and lighters...
    If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,571 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Got my free sheath, but it doesn't fut the V-cutter.
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  • ForMudForMud Posts: 2,336 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Won't fit my lighter ether.

    It would be nice if they at least send an acknowledgement back saying they got it.
  • MarkwellMarkwell Posts: 1,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Glad they made it safely to Xikar.

    Unfortunately in this day and age, the generic response is how big companies roll. It's great they honor their customers with a lifetime warranty, but the personal service could use some old school polishing up. 
    “Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman – or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.” – George Burns
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