Finally, some good news.....

A few weeks ago I sent two of my Xikar lighters back to them for some warranty work. I sent them via priority mail using the address printed on Xikar’s return form. The gal at the post office told me the post office box I had addressed the package to was invalid so I checked it again on Xikar’s form and I had it right. I told her to check it again.
She did, and still said the address was no good. She asked me if I wanted her to force it to go to the address I was using and I told her yes. I got a receipt and a tracking number and watched the tracking until the word came back that my pkg had been received. At that point, I tossed the receipt.
The last time time I sent these lighters back they were worked on and returned to me in just a few weeks. This time, after a few weeks went by and I still had not received even an acknowledgement that they had received them, I began to worry that they’d been lost. So I sent an email inquiring as to their status.
I got back a fairly generic form response saying that they’d had a lot of returns recently and that I should hear something in 3 to 6 weeks. Still, though, no mention of my (possibly) lost lighters. This didn’t cheer me up any.
Then, just the other day, I finally received an acknowledgement that they had received them and that the lighters were in process. It also had a link to a repair order number that, when clicked, showed the status of my lighters. It indicated that they were going to replace them rather than repair them.
Sooooo, I should be getting ‘em back fairly soon. Things are looking up....
She did, and still said the address was no good. She asked me if I wanted her to force it to go to the address I was using and I told her yes. I got a receipt and a tracking number and watched the tracking until the word came back that my pkg had been received. At that point, I tossed the receipt.
The last time time I sent these lighters back they were worked on and returned to me in just a few weeks. This time, after a few weeks went by and I still had not received even an acknowledgement that they had received them, I began to worry that they’d been lost. So I sent an email inquiring as to their status.
I got back a fairly generic form response saying that they’d had a lot of returns recently and that I should hear something in 3 to 6 weeks. Still, though, no mention of my (possibly) lost lighters. This didn’t cheer me up any.
Then, just the other day, I finally received an acknowledgement that they had received them and that the lighters were in process. It also had a link to a repair order number that, when clicked, showed the status of my lighters. It indicated that they were going to replace them rather than repair them.
Sooooo, I should be getting ‘em back fairly soon. Things are looking up....

MOW badge received.
I've had the same cutter to them 3 times in the last 15 years.
Each time, it is repaired/shapened and sent back. No questions.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Anyway, I’m such a good kid that my guardian angel will look out for me. 😬
Seriously, I’m blessed. And the older I get, the more I realize it. Good things that have happened to me and for me over the years were blessings I failed to recognize at the time.
End of theophilosiphical discourse by the Oldfart....
It would be nice if they at least send an acknowledgement back saying they got it.
Unfortunately in this day and age, the generic response is how big companies roll. It's great they honor their customers with a lifetime warranty, but the personal service could use some old school polishing up.