cutters from NorCal

from NorCal:

He warned me something was coming. I don't remember what for. This is some pretty slick stuff he sent. Both cutters are beauties, That clever stand folds flat. There's two flat-pressed binder-only gars like this one you see... and I am just the guy to wrap them. In fact, I'll slap a fine couple well-aged CT Shade wrappers which I scored from FX Smith's Sons in the conditioning chamber now, so's they should be ready by this evening. Decades ago, some forgotten torcedor on his way to a cigar show shipped ahead a case of fine old CT Shade wrappers all de-stemmed and ready to go. Then I guess his trip fell thru, cause these prepped wraps wound up marooned in FX Smith's Sons basement for umpteen years. I scored the whole batch. Been using nothing but, for like six months, and still have a lifetime supply. You can't expect to get CT Shade grown in Windsor Valley anymore; it has to be grown in Ecuador or the Islands, and doesn't taste the same. That CT River soil imparted a distinctive twang. Fifteen bucks an hour minimum wage killed those farms. Good stuff gone forever.
... but I got side tracked. Damn nice cutters, David. Thanks. I'll enjoy.

He warned me something was coming. I don't remember what for. This is some pretty slick stuff he sent. Both cutters are beauties, That clever stand folds flat. There's two flat-pressed binder-only gars like this one you see... and I am just the guy to wrap them. In fact, I'll slap a fine couple well-aged CT Shade wrappers which I scored from FX Smith's Sons in the conditioning chamber now, so's they should be ready by this evening. Decades ago, some forgotten torcedor on his way to a cigar show shipped ahead a case of fine old CT Shade wrappers all de-stemmed and ready to go. Then I guess his trip fell thru, cause these prepped wraps wound up marooned in FX Smith's Sons basement for umpteen years. I scored the whole batch. Been using nothing but, for like six months, and still have a lifetime supply. You can't expect to get CT Shade grown in Windsor Valley anymore; it has to be grown in Ecuador or the Islands, and doesn't taste the same. That CT River soil imparted a distinctive twang. Fifteen bucks an hour minimum wage killed those farms. Good stuff gone forever.
... but I got side tracked. Damn nice cutters, David. Thanks. I'll enjoy.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
Never wrapped that shape before.
Once the wrapper dries down, summa that smirch will disappear.
Smoked one. It was OK. Used that crackerjack gripper cutter on it. I like that one. Gonna carry it in the truck. Kewl.