Cigar Fest - Ticket Available - GA - Saturday may 5th

Hello All,
I recently broke my leg and cannot attend the event. I would like to sell the ticket I bought at face value 190$.
Now I know that people try to rip other people off with fake tickets, and this a first post from a new user..
My family will attend the event without me. I'm testing the waters to see if anyone would be interested in buying the ticket at the event directly. As-in meeting there and exchanging and/or entering the event with my family.
My other options would be.
1- my family getting the cigars for me at the event
2-contacting cigar fest to get the ticket reimbursed.
3- my family trying to sell the ticket directly at the event
Please let me know if you are interested.
Thank you all,
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
can we please stop with the negativity?
I am asking for honest help and am offering a ticket at face value - traded directly at the event.
im not trying to scam anyone - and i understand the irony saying that.
I beleive anyone deserves the benefit of doubt.
I went last year and it was great, everyone there was nice a respectful.
On that mindset, i am asking for anyone's help in resolving this matter.
Worst case i still get the cigars - but dont attend the event.
No negativity huh? OK Here's positively some real positiveness for ya'. I am positive I wouldn't let a broken leg stop me.
Because every year, about the time of the cigar events, we see these posts pop up from first time posters.
First post is to sell something.
It's bad form, in just about any group or forum. Cigars or otherwise, unless that group is specifically created to sell things.
And honestly, the "Deja Vu" could have been met with a variety of responses.
Had you been a member for a bit or even participated for a bit and then posted about the tickets, the reception would have been far better.
But I gotta agree with @Bob_Luken
I wouldn't let a broken leg deter me.
Trust has to be earned.
And if that makes me an a$$hole, then if I'm gonna be something, I might as well be good at it.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
it was a bit more complicated than that. - Like spending 16 hours in the car with the leg, etc.
But i got my affairs in order, And I already missed nice vacation because of the leg. I can't let it happen again.
Theres no reason i can't come if you all can.
See you guys there!
I did know cigarfest was up there in CI territory. But I didn't know if maybe cigarfest was taking the show on the road,.... ya' know, Georgia?
In my defense, it's #1 on this list
,.................... not 12th!