Looks like a blast! Sad I couldn't make it, unfortunately I am still in Illinois with my family. Had lots to do with the graduation party and family that drove in. Looking forward to next year's and might host a small one once the lady and I get moved into our new home in Milwaukee !
I was awesome of some to really go out of their way to make it. As usual I had a great time, with the exception of the drive up. I'm definitely looking into a helicopter for next year. I gave up trying to figure out how I don't get on anyone's nerves, so I will instead focus on being extraordinarily happy to be able to call you all my friends! Thank for helping me "forget about life for a while". Catch ya on the vherf.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
MOW badge received.
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