For the og's

So I'm curious about something the og's might be able to answer. How do you guys stay engaged in the forum and cigar hobby after the initial hobby honeymoon is over? It just got me thinking about a comment a member made about fly by activity on the forum. Say you're in a cigar buying freeze.Whether it's because of money issues or you are happy with what you currently own. What keeps you coming back and excited about the hobby? Have you got bored of it and came back? What made you come back?
I ask this because I'm a professional hobby keeper lol. I get into something new. Research like crazy, spend a bunch of money. Then it slowly dies down and I usually find something new. Even though I still like all the experiences and joy of that hobby I just don't stick with it. I heard a comment before that stuck with me. The guy said he was addicted to the knowledge and not particularly the hobby itself. How many of you feel that way too? This seems like a great hobby and probably the biggest group of people of any new hobby I've experienced. So I think I'm looking for tips that keep you engaged for the long haul.
I ask this because I'm a professional hobby keeper lol. I get into something new. Research like crazy, spend a bunch of money. Then it slowly dies down and I usually find something new. Even though I still like all the experiences and joy of that hobby I just don't stick with it. I heard a comment before that stuck with me. The guy said he was addicted to the knowledge and not particularly the hobby itself. How many of you feel that way too? This seems like a great hobby and probably the biggest group of people of any new hobby I've experienced. So I think I'm looking for tips that keep you engaged for the long haul.
But we always come back or are forced back. LOL!
If you look at cigars as a hobby, then you will likely lose interest.
If you look at it as a lifestyle, relaxation or enjoyment, then that's different.
Hobbies mean you are collecting **** to collect it and have it.
Accumulating cigars is for one purpose, to smoke them.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
It's my service to mankind, knowing how people suffer when they don't have sufficient exposure.
The folks here are gentlepersons (to be politically correct) who are more than willing to share just about anything from knowledge to cigars and whatever comes between. And, while we don’t always agree with one another we at least agree that it’s our right to disagree.
Face it, we’re just good folks here.....
So sayeth The oldfart..... 👴🏻
-- Winston Churchill
MOW badge received.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
What actually keeps me engaged in cigars? Over the long haul, nothing. I've lost interest in the past, was too busy doing other things to worry. I never really kept a collection back then, either. Now that I'm older and more sedentary, I guess it only makes sense to keep a...ehem...a few cigars on hand. I've started to get more involved online socially at this place and SpiritedSmoke, which is actually a nice place to frequent because the company is mostly genuinely good, just like this forum's active members. Let's look at some of the things I've done to remain focused on cigars recently that may assist you in your quest to justify the rampant abuse of your credit cards, shall we?
I have a few handfuls of dog rockets I experiment with, testing different storage methods and I successfully managed to grow mold after failing at it for quite some time. It's much more difficult than people sometimes think.
I started a private "club" with friends from online. Yes, it's much the same as what we do here at this fantastic place, sending cigars and whatnot to some acquaintances and friends. I think it's just as much fun smoking fine cigars as it is finding out they've received the package you sent and are pleasantly surprised. It's really cool sharing cigars.
Let's see, oh yes. Pipe smoking. Because, why not? I mean, it might all start off all innocent like, purchasing the really attractive deal on Cigars and Pipes dot com where they list a good pipe, pipe cleaners, Czech tool, and bag of Antietam for $19.99 and you think to yourself, "how could they be making money?" But, then you realize you have to sample different types of pipe tobacco and it turns into a late night CBid binge and you suddenly have 35 tins of Plum Pudding and a few dozen various other kinds of interesting pipe tobacco. Maybe it's pipes, because we all know that a man should enjoy his tobacco from a really good pipe. Suddenly, names like "Stanwell" have meaning and you're looking for that one pipe, that perfect draw and feel to accompany your fine tobacco experience. And thus and so forth and what not.
Then, for more fun, create a .pdf for every cigar blend you come up with as you roll your own cigars! Of course, you cannot do this on Winblows, but with Open Office, you can create .pdf files without giving a greedy corporation your hard earned money just so they can use it to travel to a third world country and test out poisonous vaccines on unsuspecting poor people for the pharmaceutical industry. Thanks, Bill Gates.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
On the subject of saving cigars for special occasions, “ Remember it’s just a bunch of old rolled up tobacco leaves.” @Wylaff.
Setting aside time to enjoy a cigar is therapeutic to most of us.
Whether it is alone time to de-stress and contemplate life, or the camaraderie and laughter of a v-herf, the dollar value of an enjoyable cigar is inconsequential.
Smoke what you like and like what you smoke.
Short version....change your mind and your @ss will follow.
So sayeth the curmudgeon.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Easy peasy.