Humidor gift Idea and pack question
I have three questions-
I did a search and saw that most of you recommend an xtreme cooler with packs, instead of a humidor.
I wanted to purchase a gift for my husband and would feel kind of chintzy giving him a cooler for xmas
I did purchase Paradigm Humidifier for him, because I don't think he will remember to check the packs every few days. (I purchased him cigars in Ireland and I have forgotten to wet the packs for over a week, so I can only imagine with snow coming and him plowing days at a time, he will forget as well).
1. is there any starter humidor that you recommend? I have been looking at reviews etc, but not sure if they are all shills handpicked by the various companies.
2. Has anyone used the paradigm humidifier and did you find it worked well?
3. (I feel stupid asking this) I totally forgot to purchase distilled water for the packs, so I literally boiled water for a few minutes, let it cool and used that. Kind of a homemade distillation. I realize this isn't the best option, but did I totally ruin the pack and need to purchase a new one, or should I just use the real distilled water when the pack dries out?
Thank you!!
The Boveda packs that many of us use can last for months in an airtight container, and if your husband has extra Bovedas he can recharge them and swap them out when they need it.
p.s. you're a good wife!
Thank you! I will go with the plastic box
In the end, it really is about keeping the cigars good, right 
Why buy him expensive cigars only to have them destroyed in a pretty looking box..
I like to think I'm a good wife
I am one of those people who has a desktop , ok several desktop humidor that I keep a few cigars in on my desk.
I have a tower cabinet that holds most of my cigars, but I keep a few in my desktop humidor.
Largely because I am lazy and it's a whole lot easier to find a cigar to grab when there is only 20-30 cigars in there and presentation.
There is nothing like an awesome looking humidor sitting on the desk.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Here's a question for you regarding your last paragraph above.
I have edited some of that last paragraph. Also I am relying on other sources for the reasons that distilled water is always recommended over tap water when used to humidify cigars, and why boiling some tap water doesn't make it the same as distilled water.
I'm not sure what that residue could be. Where are you keeping that cup? In your humidor? Maybe there's something else, even in distilled water that will leave a residue. Also I would wonder if an open top container might allow airborne particles to settle in the liquid and remain as solids when all the liquid is gone.
I assumed the OP (nhjen) simply boiled some water in a pot without using a condenser, so minerals would remain (after boiling) and that pot of boiled tap water would actually have a higher concentration of minerals now than before boiling.
I googled a bit on distilled water leaving a residue and they say distilled water absorbs CO2 (containing carbonic acid) when exposed to air and maybe that would leave residue but I assume it would still be much less residue than with tap water when evaporated in the same way.
I think the real concern with using tap water for cigar storage uses would be mineral residue left on humidifiers and causing them to perform poorly after enough buildup has occurred.
Also I read somewhere that organic materials that have a lower boiling point than water will travel through the condensation process and remain in distilled water. Perhaps these materials are now harmless (dead) but I wonder if they would be included in any residue.
Use Distilled Water To Fill Your Humidifier Tank. Using distilled instead of tap water to fill your humidifier will cut down on dust significantly. Distilled water has a very low mineral count and therefore will not produce white dust that hard tap water will.
and this:
glad i searched and found this info. thanks for the amazon link @peter4jc
"Some people meditate, I smoke cigars." - Ron Perlman
"...I intend to go home tonight and smoke a cigar to the glory of God." - Charles Spurgeon
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