"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
So here's the deal....I drop shipped Craig that gift pack of Ashton's when they were available. Andy D sent out the email....y'all saw it. Craig figured it out, cause of my big mouth trying to be subtle. So I did the only honest thing I know to do....I blamed Peter...relentlessly. I fess up...it was me, and Peter has been my scapegoat.
Mystery solved....banish me to a place where I can't quote or post an e'ffing photo.
Yea Las Vegas... DiG Ya...
Yes @Stubble all YO knows fault...
...@NorCalR1 ... @Stubble .... ....Jas wanna ParTaY... iM a lil pum]nk...gonna get some BiZneess out yo way'Z..... WuV ya BoFF........
Looks like your off the hook Peter
-- Winston Churchill
"When caught with hand in cookie jar, blame @peter4jc ."
ETA: It's fun, it's easy, and he will NEVER find out!
"I'll take all the blame. But none of the responsibility."
Said by me.
^^^ You see....never the wiser.
So here's the deal....I drop shipped Craig that gift pack of Ashton's when they were available. Andy D sent out the email....y'all saw it. Craig figured it out, cause of my big mouth trying to be subtle. So I did the only honest thing I know to do....I blamed Peter...relentlessly. I fess up...it was me, and Peter has been my scapegoat.
Mystery solved....banish me to a place where I can't quote or post an e'ffing photo.
Numbers 32:23, "...and be sure your sin will find you out."
I'm still confused, where's Rodney to straighten us all up?
MOW badge received.
None of this makes a lick of sense to me, but it's entertaining.
....Hat CrooK.... and ...Pour'N.