Official Landscaping, Lawn, Property Maintenance, Outdoor Projects Thread

This is not the Garden thread although garden building and garden landscaping are welcome or a picture if want to show the garden or it's landscaping. Please keep the Garden Thread the Garden Thread, this is not a replacement for it nor has really anything to do with it.
This is for,
Lawn care, fertilizer, herbicide pre/post emergent, insecticide, IGR's, topdressing soil, rodent removal, drainage sprinkler/irrigation systems, products and questions.
Landscaping, flower beds, rock borders/edges, plants, flowers, shrubs, trees, mulch, compost, pre emergent herbicide, insecticide, fertilizers, weeding, drainage sprinkler/irrigation systems, products and questions.
Property Maintenance, basically taking care of everything on your property outside, driveway cleaning, roof cleaning, cleaning out the flower beds, tree/shrub trimming/pruning, weeding, painting, staining etc. products and questions.
Outdoor Projects, building a pool, fences, decks, pergola's, arbor's, house shutters, etc.
All these things flow together so post up your stuff. Want to see lots of Before & Afters.
First load goes down tomorrow,
I used to do a lot of stuff like this but it all got away from me the last few years. Good idea for a thread.
Thanks man, yeah wanted to make this thread for awhile but last year wasn't good for me...I didn't do much so this year going all out! Flower beds all over grown, weeds every where the before's and after's will be great! This property is insane to maintain but worth it got 30 bags yesterday and just about 90 more to go LOL!
29 bags down, 61 on the pallet to go! Then back to Lowe's for more! Dug up a lot of the sprinkler system in the large flower bed, will post a picture of that project tomorrow...what a fvcking PITA!!!

You don't have a nearby landscaper or garden supply store that would deliver a few yards in bulk?
Yes, many places near by can deliver. The problem is they only deliver closest to the road so the trucks don't tear up the driveway making cracks. This creates a traffic jam for the cars in the driveway with the mulch taking up half or more of the front apron. Other problem is finding finely shredded cedar mulch from a reputable source. Next problem is having to shovel 8.88889 cubic yards for 120 bags(would be 10 cubic yards if delivered not in bags by dump truck). The shoveling is what kills ya, then hauling it all the way back down to the beds. Bags are the way to go, it costs more but for me is WAY more efficient.
I did find Lowe's can deliver pallets 65 bags to a pallet so I'd have to get 2 pallets 10 extra bags not a big deal. It's a $65 delivery charge which is fair, I might actually do this next year but then have two pallets in the driveway if they will use that funky 3 wheeler forklift and take it to the bottom. Oh damn its going on 1:30, thought it was 11:30, I'm hitting the hay.
You must have one HUGE lawn.
What type of grass do you have in your part of Texas?
St Augustine is about all that grows well down here
Yes the lawn is huge, it all gets push mowed as well, way better for the grass not getting crushed by the heavier John Deere riding mower, great exercise as well.
Yep got St. Augustine Raleigh and some Bermuda grass(trying to get ride of it but best bet after trial and error is to just kill it, till, fill and re sod). Could probably grow St. Augustine Palmetto on the North side it does better in shade.
Frickin genius.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Here's the little sprinkler system reroute...what a fvcking PITA! A couple hour job became a couple day job.

^^^That broken lines the devil!! Took out the heavier tools and ripped it off!
Teaser of the far small South side yaupon and red oak bed.
^ Did that today was only 12 bags. Did a super small bed in the backyard its was only 3 1/2 bags forgot to take a picture. Have to cut and cap the left part of the line in the hole still... Tree roots and shrub roots making it a fvcking PITA! About to take the chain saw to it ALL tomorrow if cant get the PVC cutters in there.
Looks good Tex. Keep the pics coming.
Put some fertilizer stakes out for the fruit trees today and did a light pruning on them, what I could manage. Might try a little more tomorrow to keep moving and building my strength back.
Will do man, nice job working on those fruit trees! Great to hear your moving around and building the strength back up. Rained out here today so no working outside till its done, got the mulch covered before the bags get water logged.
26 bags left on pallet, got 2 more beds done, monster Post Oak laid it thick and did the big Green/White Ash (Different Arborist's cant decide what it is). Pictures tomorrow.
Got rained out for days! Finished the new 90*elbow to 3 way tee with threaded insert. Bed pictures coming, they got trashed with leaves from the trees, armadillo's been doing some unhelpful work also...Did my good deed with the Monarch Caterpillars! Have to be very careful, this is part of the reason the work is not hired out.

See I'm not such a bad guy, helped some up to the leaves from the ground.
Forget to take before photos of the small backyard beds but heres the

Monster Post Oak Bed
Post Oak Canopy, Need a wider, better camera
Big Green/White Ash Bed

2/5 Middle Backyard Water Oak, Cedar, American Elm & Winged Elm Bed

All beds except rose bed used All Purpose 13-13-13 fertilizer and Preen Southern Weed Preventer under and then over mulch NO WEEDS!
Haven't done rock border edge for yet for backyard or most of everything theres some in fronts, will take pictures when done mulching should be tomorrow hopefully. About to build a major 3 car shop/garage so septic will have to be changed etc. Doing rock borders at this time is least on the list of major projects.
Looks great. I’m about to get the garden going. I think the way everything has been going that gardening items will be the next items that get rushed on in stores. I have to get some things at Lowe’s tomorrow because on Thursday we are going on lockdown in Charlotte.
Going to make the kids do the work this year I don’t think I could take the jostling of digging holes anytime soon.
Thanks man, Same here Harris County is going on lock down starting at 11:59PM tonight so I grabbed another 30 bags at Lowe's. Got 12 left on the pallet and 30 in the truck of the original 120 bag total.
Haha put e'm to work man! Smart decision, I nearly broke the bone just below my knee the other day with that sledge hammer
90 bags down, and pallet is rotted and broke but should be last 30 bags, just restocked out of truck. Teaser of Dwarf Johnny Bottle Brush and Amaryllis's leading into the Rose Bed.

I hate weeds and mulch and the ARMADILLO!! Spent an hour fixing his "fun" last night...

Another section of the sprinkler project done, just need to teflon tape, fill and mulch this part then cap the damn line by the tree and purge the line. Also Monarch Caterpillar count is up to 18!!! They have eaten ALL the butterfly weed! Kinda delayed my mulching more, as I don't want to accidentally step on them or cover them up.

Finished mulching yesterday at 8PM! Did 36 bags! Installed a 5/8” soaker hose, had to move a bunch of stuff to finish everything, it kicked my @ss!

Caped the old line today right before it started raining. Pictures coming of everything, gotta quit raining and dry out, some sun would be nice but the cooler air from the front is welcome.
Got the hardpack peeled off the drive & rosd just in time for our spring snow dump. Might see grass and be able to get tge Herfmobile moving by June.
Nice job! @Trykflyr_1 Crazy how I'm mowing grass and trees almost done budding out here and theres that much snow up there!
Finally we go!

^^Looks like I had already cut some stuff out oops but y'all get the idea.

^Rock border edge for Rose Bed not done a long with the rocks for the other bed (those were all for the Rose Bed but ended up getting used temporarily to border the other main bed) but the transformation was remarkable!!!
^3&4 are Rose Bed
Looks great, Tx.
More so posted already but can really see the transformation better.




Okay I'm DONE with beds for a year!!!
Thanks man, much appreciated! I am so beat from all this! 120 bags kicked my @ass!!! Must off took out over 15 huge wheel barrows full of leafs, trimmings, etc. before the bags went down, glad its over for a year.