Editing my Posts

Moderator: I'm new on your Forum I like it, as well as the friendly helpful atmosphere I've seen so far. I have posted a question about Cigar Coffins, & received a number of responses, so I thot it was time to remove it. I'm not familiar with your site, so can you tell me how to edit my posts?? Also, about your Welcome/Introduction site.....do I just click on it, then discussion, then enter the newbie info?? Thanks...........L Z
Hi L Z, welcome to the forum. I'm not a mod, just a cigar geek here but the way I understand it is that you have 60 minutes to edit a post and then it's locked down. I don't believe that we can delete any posts, but you can remove the content of the post and type in something like "deleted", "oops", "the dog posted on the forum" if you like.
The mods here have a light touch, but if you need to get in touch with someone then thecigarchick has been very helpful.
We have a Newbie Welcoming Thread that you can post to to introduce yourself. We also took a vote of forum members and came up with a list of our favorite cigars of 2019 here which might prove interesting.
Finally, if you want to get social, we use Google Hangouts to video conference on the vHerf which helps with cabin fever. We welcome new blood and new topics now that sports and leisure have been cancelled. Friday nights and weekends tend to be more popular times to gather online. It's a great opportunity to share cigar tips and recommendations too.
Boy, oh boy... I don't know who's nicer Chris, you or @Bob_Luken. You two running for office, or something? Being that nice and helpful and all would probably kill me.
Kissing hands and shaking babies
And we don’t want that to happen. We need our second-in-command curmudgeon to be around for a nice, long time
Signed: Chief Curmudgeon, aka The Oldfart..... 👴🏻
@Bob_Luken and I vHerf together all the time and we take turns being nice and being curmudgeons just to avoid a catastrophe.
Thanks yakster.........my question is answered. Also a raise of my cigar to peter4jc, deadman, jlmarta, & bobluken. I'll check out the Fav Cigars List for sure. Z