some gloom and doom in case you haven't had enough

Experts Knew a Pandemic Was Coming. Here’s What They’re Worried About Next.
Nine disasters we still aren’t ready for.
Experts Knew a Pandemic Was Coming. Here’s What They’re Worried About Next.
Nine disasters we still aren’t ready for.
No moon Nazis
When will they start to take these things seriously? A Moon **** invasion could be just around the corner, and our Space Force isn't even active yet!
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Looks like nothing's changed since High School. We were all pretty sure that's what was going on in the world then, that whenever Vietnam was going to end they'd start on the next phase.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain