Newbie Struggling

First post so be easy. Just getting into the game and have already bought a handful of lighters with mixed results. I have a single torch Xikar and just ordered an Allume Double to replace the new Verano that I can’t keep lit. I’m having one heck of a time getting a proper light. I see everyone toasting, puffing, flames shooting, etc. I do that and all I’m doing is burning the stick. Is there anything wrong with just slowing toasting the edge, blowing on the end, and then continuing the toast focusing on the center getting hotter with a few puffs until fully lit- but not actually puffing with the flame applied? Putting the cigar in my mouth and puffing while managing the flame is something that isn’t working for me right now. I do find I’m having to re-light frequently- likely because I’m not getting a proper initial light. Anyone else not using the puff while lighting at the same time method that can give me some tips? Would buying an in-line triple (Xikar HP3) be a better option to ensure I’m getting an even light? I generally smoke 52 RG of less cigars. Thanks!
Nothing wrong with slow toasting. Keep the flame at a little bit of a distance, so you don't char the sides. I like to toast until the end is just glowing and a uniform ash.
But once toasted, a soft flame makes the final lighting, so much better, in my opinion.
If using a torch, toast, then turn the torch down, hold it a little further away and light it, making sure the end is fully lit, drawing on it, in slow easy draws.
But, that being said, you have to find what works for you.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Thanks- patience has got to be the key I’m guessing. Since puffing and lighting at the same time isn’t in the cards for me right now- I will follow those steps. I am using a torch (single and double) and not a soft flame. I’m probably not allowing the cigar to get fully lit before starting the smoking. Thanks again!
I like to toast the foot of the cigar away from my mouth, holding the cigar with the foot downwards and toasting it with the flame of the lighter so that the blue is not touching and scorching the cigar. Keep the flame moving around and you can char it until it glows like Tony says above. You then usually just take a few puffs and go but I like to put it in my mouth and take a draw while lighting and rotate the cigar a couple of times to make sure it's really lit.
Edited to add you don't need a triple or quad flame, I use a dual flame
XIKAR 5x64 Turrim™ Lighter.
^^^^ what he said, but I flick my bic to finish.
MOW badge received.
What everyone else said. But I will add one thing. After roasting, lightly blow on the end to make sure it's evenly lit. You'll see it glow red where it's lit and darker where's not...Then re-roast the areas not lit.
Could be over-humidified cigars too...
Jump on the vHerf some night and you'll get some real-time brotherly cigar advice, and you'll be able to see the glow of the cigar onscreen after you light it to give you feedback if you've toasted it enough.
The vHerf is like the forum on steroids as far as knowledge and shenanigans goes.
This is my first Cigar Forum So I’m not familiar with vHerf. I’ll check it out.
We're using Zoom now and it's pretty easy to join. It's so easy that your kids may already be using it for school and can help you out.
Appreciate all the help guys. I decided to quit drinking a few weeks ago and picked up cigars. I already own 2 cutters, 2 lighters, Boveda acrylic humidor, travel humidor, 4 ashtrays (just ordered a Stinky Jr.), all within two weeks. Still figuring out what sticks I like- right now I’m enjoying Brick House Double Connecticut and a few different Fuentes. After all that, lighting these darn things properly is more difficult than I could have imagined.
Get yourself a @Bigshizza sampler, it's a great way to introduce yourself to great cigars.
@Patrickbrick hit on a very good point. If you are keeping your humidor//cigars at 70%, that is probably most your battle.
Try some perfectos. They tend to be far easier to light.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
My Bovada humidor should arrive Tuesday. Right now I have my sticks in heavy duty ziplock with a 69% Bovada pack. Hopefully when I get everything in the humidor things will even out. I will check out some Perfectos. Thanks
A perfecto and a plain old kitchen wood match. You just have to light the tip, and then it spreads itself from there. Prolly why the fecto was a default shape for gars back when guys were lighting from a cedar spill (think of an oversized splinter) stuck in the fire, or a candle, or an ember.
Welcome. Keep it simple.
Makes total sense. I just watched a few videos on perfectos and they seem pretty idiot proof- even for a newbie like me. Thanks
Fellow noob here. Do yourself a huge favor and quit worrying about "right" & "wrong" methods. What's "right" is the process - lighting, smoking, storing or selecting cigars - that works best for you. Getting lost in the minutiae is a dark, deep forest and there be beasties. Keep your storage with 6's as the first digit, who cares if you're a Gurhka fan and just enjoy the hobby. Do join us on the'll learn more in 30 minutes there than any yootoob vid can teach you.
If you ever have an hour to kill, watch @Bob_Luken light his cigar on the vherf.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
You bought everything but f****** cigars bro!
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
LOL- yes it would appear that way, but I have started to accumulate a few different sticks while I figure out what I like.
My method is similar to the technique described in this video, except I don't like to use matches. It's too much trouble to keep the matches burning consistently. I use a soft flame butane lighter. I use jet flame lighters for re-lights. If' I'm outdoors where the wind has too much affect on a soft flame, I will use a jet lighter to toast. You'll get the hang of it. Just take it slow.
Do you hunt hogs? Where you located?
MOW badge received.
I’m outside Orlando, FL. Used to hunt hogs all the time when I lived in south Florida. Haven’t hunted in a long time unfortunately....
Where at? I'm near Harmony
-- Winston Churchill
If I lit cigars like @Bob_Luken i would smoke half as many as I do now
My favorite cigar list here
Thanks to @0patience and @webmost for recommending I try a perfecto. Smoking an AF Hemingway Short Story perfecto and lighting was a breeze with a single torch. Easy light, even burn, really enjoyable smoke.
Yesterday's smoke was this Daily Habit #55, rolled last Sept, out of 100% T-13 filler, bound with Idonesian wrapper, wrapped in FX Smith's CT shade.
Easy lighting is just a side benefit. The main attraction of fectos, to me, is their voluptuous shape. It's a sailboat among motorboats. I like to roll a fecto with extra filling in the middle, to encourage an imperceptibly plumper barrel. It makes a diff when you smoke a beauty.
In one way, fectos are way more difficult to make; especially wrapping the pointy end. In another way, fectos are slightly easier to bunch, given that they more closely match the shape of a leaf. The hardest part is controlling the length of your bunch, since the mold is closed on either end; unlike a parejo which you can just chop to size.
Short Stories are a fine cigar, especially when time is limited
Hemingway's have a tasty Cameroon wrapper, just like the AJ New World Cameroon.