Anyone experience Fire Stick problems...?

Since I moved a year ago to a new apartment, I’ve been unable to get my Fire Stick to work. I’ve got a TV guy who’s pretty good with this stuff and he seems to think that the Stick quit working and that it’s not necessarily the fault of my TV.
While looking on Amazon for a replacement, I found a manual that supposedly tells how to ‘jailbreak’ a Fire Stick and how to install Kodi on it.
Does anyone here have any knowledge/experience with Kodi? Or any experience with a Fire Stick that has stopped working? I’m just a babe in the woods with this issue... any input would be welcomed. TIA...
We tried that but the movies where almost always terrible quality. Ended up setting it back
I don't have any experience with this, maybe @rsherman24 can chime in.
I have not had any issues with the firestick's, but I have Jailbroke a couple with Kodi. I don't use them much anymore. Servers are slow, quality is not the best but you do have access to almost anything. If you search YouTube you can find a ton of tutorials to add Kodi. Easy, takes about a half hour.
I have Roku's on all of the TV's now, so between netflix, prime, and cable I don't use the firestick much
My favorite cigar list here
Many thanks, gentlemen. Your input, along with some clues I harvested by reading reviews regarding Kodi, sorta lead me to the conclusion that a working Fire Stick is probably okay but I can probably save myself some headaches by just forgetting about Kodi.
My tastes in media to watch are fairly simple so I think I can get along with just the Stick.
Thanks again for your time. It’s appreciated... 👍👴🏻
Is the firestick loading up to the home screen or are you getting a server error?
If it isn't connecting properly to your wifi, it can do all kinds of add stuff.
If you unplug it, wait 3 minutes and plug it in, does it boot up?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Haven’t tried that last item - we’ll try it when my TV guy gets back.
As for the other items, we can get it to load to the screen but can’t get to the menu. Had to buy a new remote with a menu button on it but still can’t get to the menu.
My TV guy is buying a new fire stick for one of his other clients and we’re going to try it on my tv before he delivers it. Maybe this will tell me whether I need a new stick or... ??
The kids lost one of our remotes so I loaded the app on my phone.
There’s an app for the fire stick and an app for its remote. I have both on my iPhone but I first have to get the one for the stick to recognize my tv. It keeps searching but can’t seem to locate it. That’s why we’re trying an actual remote.
Tha app for the remote is useless until I can get the one for the stick to find my tv. At least that’s my understanding at this point. Ya gotta remember, I’m an Oldfart - if I were about 40 years younger I’d probably know what I was doing... 😜
When I was 40 years younger I sure didn't know what I was doing
Marty, it may be stuck on one of the apps. Unplugging it may reboot it and get it to go to the home menu.
Amazon keeps mucking with the designs and stuff and mine got stuck on some app and wouldn't back out. I hit the home button on the remote so much, boss lady was getting conceened I was gonna break the remote.
If it connects to your WiFi, go to Amazon site, click on the help and have them call you.
They are usually pretty good tech aupport and can ping the fire stick to see if it is connecting properly.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Sounds like a good idea, Tony. TYVM. I’ll wait ‘til my TV guy is here and have him try it. My “old guy clutziness” may get in the way... 👴🏻🤷
It's easy to do anymore.
I once couldn't get a computer in a truck to boot up and spend hours tracing back wiring and trying to figure it out.
I called one of the other techs, because being good at something is knowing who to call when you hit a roadblock.
Tell him what I ran into.
He says, did you check the breaker button on the bottom of the unit? Probably tripped.
Oh crap.
And I'm the troubleshooter and diagnostics guy at work. LOL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I was once working on a laptop years ago for a friend of my mom's and it kept rebooting, wouldn't start up. Couldn't get it to work right. She finally found the right charger for it and now everything's fine.
Now, with my daughter's laptop, if she leaves the drawing tablet connected to the USB port and shuts down the computer or runs out of battery, the only way to get the laptop to boot is to remove the bottom cover and disconnect the battery cable. Had to buy special tiny Torx screws to facilitate that one. PITA.
Good luck, Marty.
The scary thing is I'm 73 years old and I have no freaking idea what you all are talking about!