This is Why The USPS Sucks

Still no package, I doubt it will ever arrive. The best part is the 6 day layover in Jersey after it had literally passed by my house on its way to Scranton, which is the wrong distribution center for my area anyway. So, not only was this package misdirected once, it was tossed onto the wrong truck a second time, then mysteriously lost for nearly a week in Jersey. Don't worry, it's only whole leaf tobacco sitting in 100 degree vehicles. I've no doubt this thing will look like it has been ripped apart by a chainsaw.
June 26, 2020, 4:52 am
Departed USPS Regional Facility
Your item departed our USPS facility in JERSEY CITY NJ NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTER on June 26, 2020 at 4:52 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
June 24, 2020
In Transit to Next Facility
June 20, 2020, 10:08 am
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
June 18, 2020, 9:33 am
Arrived at USPS Facility
June 18, 2020, 7:30 am
Arrived at Post Office
June 18, 2020, 5:09 am
Departed USPS Regional Facility
June 17, 2020, 7:55 am
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
June 17, 2020, 6:19 am
Departed USPS Regional Facility
June 17, 2020, 2:06 am
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
June 15, 2020, 5:48 pm
Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility
June 15, 2020, 4:33 pm
Accepted at USPS Origin Facility
June 15, 2020, 3:13 pm
Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending
June 15, 2020
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS, USPS Awaiting Item
I think their delivery service is great! Ordered some new saw blades from HD for my compound miter box. Received the delivery in 3 days. Problem was the box was 2 times the size of the blades. Taped seams were all busted and I received an empty box. No blades. Asked the driver if he felt a little weird delivering an empty half open box. Said all he does is deliver boxes. Job well done!
I've had at least one bad experience with UPS, FedEx, and USPS, including a trail of gold beads running across the lawn from the FedEx truck to the back door of the shop. We tend to remember those. Not so much all the good experiences. Same with life.
I love UPS, at least where I live currently. He even knows when to announce himself so he doesn't get shot (just a joke he likes to use since I sometimes post my recent range target on the back porch) and we all know him by name in my area. I don't like the "surepost" option some retailers use, which means your UPS package gets dropped off at the nearest USPS circus to get lost or crushed and held over for another day most times. The nice thing is I can upgrade a "Surepost" UPS package if I catch it early enough and log in online for a couple dollars more. Easily worth it to me.
Wait. I have to add Fedex to the list of garbage. Sure, they dented my expensive shipment a while back, looked like they just kicked it around for a week, but that's not why. No, today I received notification my package was delivered and it really wasn't. But wait, that's not technically why Fedex sucks. You see, you go can online and try to resolve this issue, or even call their phone number to "reach a customer support representative", but the only thing you will get is a computer telling you that your package was delivered. That's it, no actual human, like ever.
Well, thankfully I bought this through Amazon and I can just go that route. What a shame.
Last two weeks they been leaving my packages in the driveway.
We tend to only remember the bad stuff.
For many years I've shipped hundreds of heavy boxes via USPS, mainly domestic, but plenty of international. I can count on one hand how many claims I've had to file because of damaged/lost boxes.
I'm not here to defend them, just to point out they don't suck (as a whole) because they let you down. They're run by people cut from the same piece of cloth as you and me. We think someone sucks because they don't care enough to do their job well; we don't know why our boxes get lost. We also don't use the same standard for them and for us; we judge others by their actions but we judge ourselves by our intentions.
Well said, Peter. There jobs got harder with everyone ordering everything online during this pandemic.
And the people delivering my packages suck.
I'm just not a pragmatist, and I will not defend anybody who doesn't do their job properly. Lots of jobs are tough, I've had plenty of them. It doesn't mean I can get a free pass to do a lousy job because things get tough. "Sorry, Boys. I was just too tired from being kept awake for the last two days and I guess I just fell asleep." - "Sorry, Soldier but you fell asleep on guard duty and as a result we lost four good men." - "Oh, be gentle on the fella, Sergeant. He means well and shucks, he's got a tough job to do."
Maybe it's because, as a Veteran, I think all civilians are weak and cannot possibly realize their true potential. Maybe I am wrong, but I still think they all suck.
They all suck.
From Fed ex delivering to the wrong house, USPS not delivering or delivering broken stuff, to UPS delivering empty freaking boxes.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I don't post here much, so I will continue with my Fedex mishap, maybe I will keep you all updated, too. lol
So, here's how you actually are supposed to get in touch with a "LIVE Customer Support Representative at FEDEX":
Call 1-800-463-3339
BUT that's not how it happens. After some Google-FU, I found this:
How to Call a Live Person in Fedex Customer Service
BUT that's not accurate, not entirely.
THIS is how you really do it, because if you try the above, the system tries to dump your call by telling you to hang up. Nope, not this guy. After a few attempts, at one point or another, keep saying "It's something else" until the computer tells you "Okay, here are your options. You can say..."blah, blah, blah..or It's something else". Now you say "It's something else", then it tells you your package was delivered and please hang up. At this point you now say, "I'd like to speak to a live person." -NOW you get the automated response, "Okay, we will connect your call to a live representative."
And viola! Just that easy (sarcasm) you are in touch with a lovely lady who speaks with a thick accent and probably makes some money on the side selling your personal information on the black market. She's checking into the matter and will call the driver to let them know they delivered to the wrong house. I hope.
I have done pretty well with all the delivery services. Them taking a picture of your package after delivery comes in handy. Picture of package next to a planter and white door. My front door is grey. Drive down the street and found the house. When asked about the package the young guy began to say no. I showed him the picture and after shutting the door came back with my opened box. Mentioned that a very expensive trigger was missing and began to look up the number for a postal inspector. Again he shut the door and came back with it.
This week I had my first really bad delivery experience. I ordered a new $200 computer tower that was coming UPS. I have all my stuff sent to my work because there is someone there until 6pm to receive it. Friday UPS showed up after hours and left a sticker on the door saying they will try again the next business day. Monday my guy closes the shop and texts me it didn't show up. That night I check the tracking email and it says it was delivered at 7:18 pm at the front door. I jump in the car and drive over and it's not there. The motion cameras don't see it delivered, or stolen. The front door is eight feet from the sidewalk.
Right now I'm in limbo waiting for UPS and the vendor to respond to my correspondence on the matter. I think I'm out $200 because apparently UPS is now doing night deliveries to closed businesses. This just pisses me off.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
...Damn mailman. ...WooF...
I'm truly impressed. I sure am glad I was as meek and kind to that sweet lady from Bangladesh, because a few hours later, what shows up at my door? Yes, the Fedex package the driver brought to the wrong house. Now, if I could only fix my postal service issue.
Stay tuned, same Bat channel, maybe before winter comes I shall have my tobacco! (or what's left of it)
The biggest gripe I have isn't with the delivery services....It's with the State of Delaware requiring someone to sign for delivery. Usps only try's once, then I most go to the Post Office to pick up....Not to bad, only a half hour round trip. UPS try's three times before I gotta go to distribution center...A two hour round trip.
Most places don't bother with it and ships normally, but the bigger places do.
Props out to called them and they now wave the requirement because they verified my age once I sent them a pict of my license. I tried that with accouple of the others...No dice.
Oh and not to mention, shipping with a sig cost more $14 instead of $8.