Favorite multi flame torch lighter?

I'm sure this has been discussed but I can't find it.
What is your favorite multi flame torch lighter? I've bought two vertigo triple flames, but I struggle with them. Over time (a short time, not a long time), the flames vary in height and getting them to light requires more effort than in interested in...even after bleeding and cleaning.
So what is your favorite torch lighter? Low maintenance, high quality, consistent flame / lighting?
Bleed them and theyll be fine.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
But this was the best 20 bucks I ever spent. Lights in the wind and cold, and will start your grill no problem.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I do. And still I have to click click click click click click click click light
What is that?
Vertigo intimidator
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Be sure to use quality butane.
What's your favorite?
Xikar, lotus, etc. A guy at the shop once told me that if the can has a seam going down the side, it's crap butane. If the seam is around the top ring, it's good butane
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Xikar Purofine is the one I've used most.
Lucienne. Best stuff ever. Avoid Ronson butane at all cost. I don't know if it's true, but someone once posted that Casa Fuente only uses the Lucienne. Since I started using it my butane problems have decreased by about 95%.*
*This statistic was made up on the spot and represents only a guess by the speaker. No actual guarantee is implied. Your mileage may vary. Non-paid uncompensated spokesperson in no way connected to any of the products discussed except as a private consumer. Should your experience not match that of the speaker, there will be no remuneration, neither does the speaker accept responsibility for what you do with your butane, lighter, cigar, or anything else. At all. Have at it. Should you choose to snort your butane, soak your cigar in pure grain alcohol, and light your face on fire, that's on you, bro. I don't want to know. Leave me alone. I need coffee.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
A $13 dual flame Zippo type insert (Z-plus, extreme) . It's never failed me yet...Even cheap fuel doesn't seem to bother it
The biggest draw back is it makes you buy more Zippos lighters to go with it.
Just ordered some lucienne. I've been using zippo and xikar purofine.
The xikar should be fine, but that zippo butane sucks. I have to clean my lighter heads with nitro solvent every time I've used it, or the Ronson. They make good lighters, why they can't produce a good butane is beyond me.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
78.3% of all statistics are made up.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
I finally quit buying multi-flame lighters for a couple reasons.
First, a correctly maintained single flame lighter works just as well as a multi- and consumes two or three times less fuel to do it.
I learned that there are two things that cause a lighter to quit working properly. One is that the igniter needs to be blown out with compressed air periodically to dislodge/remove bits of lint or other debris that can gum up the works.
The other thing I learned is that simply purging the lighter in the upside down position like they show in ‘how-to’ videos sometimes isn’t enough. When that’s the case, I first do it upside down and then follow it up by bleeding the remaining fuel from the tank. After that, you have no fuel OR propellant in the tank. I then fill the tank as normal, let it sit for a while for the temperature to equalize, and go back to using the lighter.
Seems to work for me and I also broke the cycle of returning one Xikar lighter for warranty repair or replacement and using a different Xikar in the meantime.
I find that purging then trying to light releases more air to purge so I cycle this until it’s really empty.
One other tip....Put the purged lighter in the fridge till cold and the butane some where warm, then fill.
I do that with my camp stove propane tanks when filling. In fact, it's the only way to fill them completely.
I've got the adapter around here somewhere. Any tricks to keep the little bottles from leaking?
It seems to be kinda hit or miss. I have ones I've filled two or three times and they haven't leaked....Others that leaked the first time I've tried......Now I wonder there my adapter is???
I'm a big fan of the Vertigo lighters. I see way too many Xikars coming back at my local B&M and people having to wait weeks to get their lighters back. Current worst offenders are the new $100 Bugatti lighters which have more problems than a math book.
Vertigos come with a lifetime warranty and if there's a problem that can't be fixed, they get replaced on the spot.
One chap brought in a Vertigo that didn't light up a few weeks ago. Window shows its full of fuel, night bright spark but won't light up. My buddy tried to purge it and that's when we figured out the problem... guy managed to somehow fill his lighter with Zippo fuel.
Took that bítch (the lighter) outside, purged the contents to the ground and properly filled it with the correct fuel. The lighter started working again.
I have had to replace 3 Vertigo lighters, the last one i got from my local B&m that said lifetime warranty if it quits working he would replace it, the last one lasted 6 months, he replaced it with palio triple flame, also don't buy zippo fuel i think that is what killed mine, switched to xikar fuel.
I won a Colibri in an auction. Expecting it by tomorrow. I've been using a single flame exclusively lately.
I don’t use multi flame lighters as there is no need in my eyes unless lighting 60-70 ring gauge cigars, which I don’t smoke. I’ve never understood this multi, quadruple flame lighting trend stuff. With that said if you can master lighting with a multi flame and prefer them then by all means go for it. It’s really all personal preference, like cigars themselves.
Definitely seem to get greater precision with a single flame when toasting.
That looks like a scorch lighter.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.