It’s sad because too many of us agree this is a pandemic

But trump guys want guns...great what good will guns do to a virus!!!!!!!!!!
Money can't buy taste
But trump guys want guns...great what good will guns do to a virus!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry but yeah this is why a lot of us left or aren’t on here as much. I need to make it clear I think all politicians are corrupt and horrible people!!!! But I can’t get the ignorance of America right now. All the countries that shut down are doing ok now. You know the saying of hindsight is 20/20 well they got through it so hindsight right?!?!?! Guess not!!!!!
The best advice I can give is to stay out of the Non Cigar related category (except for bum of the week thread of course)
My favorite cigar list here
Amen, brother.
Some people enjoy being triggered. (not directed at @Lee.mcglynn)
Guns ----- Virus.
I don't get the connection.
I keep guns because the police never have been and never will be here to protect me. Period. Don't get me wrong, I like and support the police, but they're pretty much after the fact.
I wear the mask in public places because, well, we don't have much else. I also have several bottles of hand sanitizer in the truck, and use them.
So, if I believe that the virus is real, which I do, I'm supposed to give up my guns and let anyone who wants to break in and rob and kill me?
And, if I think I have the right to defend myself and protect my property, which I do, then I must not believe that the virus is real? And, I have to vote for Trump, which I never did?
Nope, still not seeing the connections.
Please give a rational explanation, I'd love to find out what this is all about.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
You would be correct
Its only a pandemic until after the election.
-- Winston Churchill
The crisis will continue until we cease to revel in crisis.
Born free, and remain free because I carry all the reason I need on me.
As for Trump and this great divide of radicalism in America, it's an ancient tactic. First comes the divide, then comes the conquer part. It doesn't matter who does the conquering, because a tyrant is a tyrant and they can be defeated with the pistol on every doorstep, just how Winston Churchill said. We just have to maintain that part where we keep the guns to have a fighting chance. (wink)