How 'bout them Chinese?

In the last couple years we don't really get much news about what China is up to. Oh, we hear lips flapping flapdoodle and various oral posturing from government officials, American and Chinese, but not a whole lot of information.
As we all know, ad nauseum, last fall the Covid virus spread worldwide from the Wuhan region in China, where their virus research labs are located. That finally made the public news media after a few months of deaths racked up in various places, but not much about things going on around the South Pacific.
Some rumors I've heard, not verified by mainstream news sources that I'm aware of. I should add that I have largely avoided more than 30 minutes of "News" per day for awhile now. My appetite for baloney won't tolerate more than that.
The Chinese took over an American embassy in, ... Micronesia? I think? Came in, told the American staff to get out, took over. Strategic location?
Ever since the decommissioning of the Teddy Roosevelt, Chinese naval forces have been building and spreading throughout the South Pacific. Is anyone threatening to attack China?
Airline industry has sold off lots of large aircraft during the Covid induced travel slump, to China.
Why would China suddenly need a lot of large aircraft?
Are these rumors true? Am I the only one who finds these things disturbing?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I can’t remember the news program name but it’s from India and pops up from time to time on my YouTube suggested list. It’s English language and they follow every little thing China does. It is completely one sided though as they make it known that they dislike/trust the Chinese
I've been there!
Do you have a link to this rumor?
No, something that was told to me. The person who told me is not somewhere with communication at the moment, but I'll ask. I haven't tried "Googling" it, just going over random thoughts in my head, things heard here and there which suddenly coalesce into a pattern.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
We did just throw them out of their Houston consulate after catching them trying to hack Covid vaccine info from American pharmaceutical companies.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they did out of retaliation
Everything about China is disturbing. But, to quote somebody who knows a great deal about being set up and demonized, "We are headed on a collision course."-Vladimir Putin
I'm not defending Putin with that quote, it's just obvious to me by now that war is always on the horizon since it's good for business. On the airplane topic, China has been buying up as much as possible in the aviation market for several years now and plans to lead it this year, surpassing the U.S. and not slowing down afterward. On the topic of the S. Pacific, it has multiple reasons assigned to "why" China has a presence, and the best I can tell, it has to do with, you guessed it, money and power.
The Cliff Notes version is along the lines of rare earth, gold, and other commodities, and even political influence and sway which could lead to many other alterations how the islands of the region operate. One notion is China is lending large sums of money and not donating, and this leads to possible tensions developing as these island nations won't be able to pay them back. Another important aspect is monitoring and surveillance stations, and if owned by China could mean trouble since the region is militarily important.
things look okey-dokey here:
My honest opinion about the Chinese is almost everyone is hard working and the Chinese people are slaves to their Communist Government. Most are just pawns, do what the leaders say or imprisonment, death, family members disappear, etc.
Now we have the Wuhan Virus AKA Covid-19...Everyone knows where it came from, but the biggest question? Why did the Chinese Government let it spread and could have stopped people from leaving China and bringing it to other countries....To cover their @sses thats why, allow infected people to go just to America and it looks exactly like a well thought out biological weapons attack, again the Chinese people being the pawns. Let everyone go everywhere and it becomes a Global Pandemic and no one country can gain power, except for China as they created it and probably have a vaccine or cure for it already not to mention getting rid of some of their own people for more population control at the same time.
Now why would they want to intentionally harm America? Maybe because Trumps tariffs and other actions that we do or don't know about took their stock market from almost 40,000 and made it damn near within 1000 points of the DOW. The Chinese Government doesn't wan't him re elected obviously.
Covid-19 the perfect weapon and cover up at the same time.
China is amassing and expanding it military for one of two reasons.
1. Fear of retaliation from the big hitting countries from their release of Covid-19 upon the world.
2. Preparing for war either with American or multiple counties at once. Whatever they are doing has been well planned out for a long time.
I read earlier today from the Times or Time magazine that Japan plans to build up their military to first strike levels because of the threats from China and North Korea
That's good. I wasn't sure that it was Micronesia, I'll have to ask again when I can.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I don't think they'll try any kind of conventional type of war against the west. No need to were tearing ourselves all on our own. I think their coming at the world with a slow long economic war. Their investing heavily in Africa and South America right now along with the Middle East.
In the past decade they've loaded billions to over 40 central banks world wide when they've run into economic problems
Russia is the only one holding them back, as so as Putin is gone...Look out.
My guess is in 50 years, they'll own the world without firing a shot.
The king of France owed the Knights Templar a lot of money at one point. They didn’t end up owning France, it didn’t workout at all for them. War is a great way to eliminate accrued dept.
So long as you win.
If it ever came to outright war, China wouldn't use ground troops. Too many would just surrender to defect to whatever country they were shipped to.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
The BoC( bank of China) owns most, if not all passenger airplanes in the United States. The airlines sold the planes to BoC and then lease them back from BoC. I assume this is some short term accounting profit that will come back to haunt us later.
We sold them the largest pork producer in the world..Smithfield Foods a few years back. They needed an alternate pork source because Chinese pigs were infected with swine flu at the time & there are a lot of people to feed over there.Our pork prices have risen due to Smithfield shipping a larger percentage of pork production to China every year since they acquired the company.
I just wish there was an alternate supplier for my consumer needs that didn't involve China. I'll gladly pay more for products made in the US, but unfortunately that isn't even an option anymore.
I'm old enough to remember when "made in the USA" meant something to all of us.
Back when **** was made to last and could actually be repaired if necessary.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Those days are gone. And it will get worse after the elections.
Both sides always lose. The private banks are the only victors, and they always win.
Another thing you can thank the clintonistas for.
Shawn, don’t take Chinese nationalism lightly. The Chinese propaganda machine is strong and, like our own youth, their youth are easily influenced. Now, I don’t think ground troops with the intent of occupation is ever realistic, but for different reasons. I believe China’s policies are a real threat to our economy and way of life. They can go through a pandemic and quarantine their population and their economy is not effected much. However, for us it can be disastrous.