Insurance companies and their incompentencies

Our car insurance raised for the 3rd time this year.
Kind of pi$$ed me off.
So I call for a quote and their report comes back that my current insurance paid out on 2 accidents on me.
Uhm, WTF? I have no tickets, no accidents.
So I call my insurance and they show claims on 2 vehicles on my policy, that I have never owned, nor ever had on my policy.
How can that happen?
You mean to tell me, my insurance paid on 2 cars I have never owned, never driven and never had on my policy?
They are at a loss as to how that happened.
But you can be pretty sure, the claims affected the cost of my policy.
So, check you policy history. Make sure it is correct, cause clearly these dopeys screw things up regularly.
In Fumo Pax
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Wylaff said:
Atmospheric pressure and crap.
^^^Things that make you go "WTF" ^^^
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
humans make mistakes, hopefully your call will have them straightening out the error.
Sorry @0patience you're due for a run of good fortune. Stay well
For a good many years I’ve felt that a person is far better off to buy insurance stocks rather than just the insurance.
For example, just take a look around at some of the major assets owned by insurance companies - such as skyscrapers and other large assets. And you don’t hear much about this aspect.....
They're in business to make money, just like every other business. They have to make a profit. Those "safe driver bonus checks" from Allstate? Just a refund on overcharged premiums.
This is insurance fraud no getting around it! Either someone at the insurance company committed it (unlikely they would have to be real fvcking dumb) or someone 3rd party committed it or the Insurance Company as a whole is committing it, doing this to a lot of people and making more money off everyone from raising the rates.
Call them and ask for the License and VIN numbers of all the vehicles on your policy. Don't let know your looking at this as fraud, record/document everything, have them send you an email with all the information of all the vehicles (especially the 2 additional vehicles) and the rest of your policy information etc.
You could be looking at some serious money here in compensation from both the insurance company and the owner/owners of the 2 vehicles. Hire an attorney who specializes in insurance fraud, might want to do this ASAP to see what they recommend, most will consult for free, especially if they see a rock solid case they know they can win.