It's already been 19 years.

Seems like it was only a few years ago since the "religion of peace" attacked NYC but it's been almost two decades. Smoke one for the fallen today, I will be.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Done, with prayers for the fallen and their families.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Sad day for the nation.
My younger brother was living in Manhattan at the time and saw the plane fly over. It was a couple of hard days trying to contact him.
That was my most fearful and most proud day as Chief of Police. I cancelled all days off and my officers worked 12 hour shifts. I worked 24. I did not get one complaint and even though they were worried about their families and had day care issues, they all showed up ready to do whatever they could do to make our citizens safe.
There wasn't one damn thing we could do to stop a suicide plane, but people felt safer seeing all the police officers. Maybe people should consider that when defunding the police.
Our prayers are with the fallen.
The day after I loaded up my kayak and drove down the mountain to Lake James NC. No other cars or trucks on the road. As I put in I noticed no other boats and no planes in the sky, nothing. I dug in, found my rhythm and set out down lake. The water was up a bit so I had a wet ride. Went 12 miles to the dam, turned around and paddled back. My head had me paddling point just like the times I walked point in Vietnam. Hyper alert, armed. I saw no other boats but I did see a osprey take a fish and that brought me back to reality. The natural world, if you let it, will help in healing. Four and a half hours on the water and I took out, loaded up, and drove back up the mountain.
19 years and I remember it like it was last week. Standing in the waiting area watching it unfold on tiny TV.
I still smoked cigarettes then and went outside to have one. Our building is on the MIA flight path. Watched a 747 literally make a U Turn as it was climbing. The engins sounded like they were screaming.
General Peter Pace sent everyone home that day.