Meerschaum Contest
I've been lurking on the forum for about 3 years. I'm not witty enough to keep up with most of the folks here.
I would like to hold a contest and this is the best I can do.
I purchased an Altinok Meerschaum pipe that is too large for my taste. It is his Lee Van Cleef pipe. I know it is insane. Never been smoked or even placed in my mouth.
My step-son will be heading off to Savannah to go to college. The date is open so I don't even know when it is but the school starts sometime in Jan 2021. So the winner won't be announced until he actually moves out.
Who ever can guess the day he is packed up and leaves the front door will be the winner. Add a time as a tie breaker.
He and his Mom are talking about Nov or Dec time frame. That might be an important bit of info.
Ok, that's a nice looking Meer, I'll guess December 15th. You're going to have something to celebrate this New Years!
Jan 4th. Door closes at 11:20 am, after a late breakfast and a couple hours of "I really should go..."
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
That's absolutely right!
And... it sounds like you've been there
I predict 11/30/2020 0945hrs
Contest entries will close Oct 31st. I'll post all entries on Nov 1st. And try to update progress after that until we have a winner.
Ok, for the $230 Altinok Meer we have:
I think your odds are pretty good.
I guess there's not that many of us who can pull off a large meer. I've got a Mastodon head so it shouldn't be a problem.
Jan 8th.
Thanks for the contest
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Very cool contest. Lots of deserving BOTL here. Good luck gents.
@84CJ7 put him in, coach!
Sorry for the delay.
For the $230 Altinok Meerschaum we have:
Best of Luck fellas!
Jan 3
11 am
December 11th, 08:30
@84CJ7 Awesome contest! Wishing your stepson the best at college!
Jan 2, 10:15 AM
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
So far:
@Yakster Dec 15
@Wylaff Jan 4
@Diver43 Nov 30
@IndustMech Jan 8
@webmost Jan 3
@BKDog Dec 11
@d_blades Jan 2
Best of luck everyone!
Oct 31 at midnight is the last time entries will be taken.
January 12th 1:35
My favorite cigar list here
January 18th 10:36am
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
So far:
@Yakster Dec 15
@Wylaff Jan 4
@Diver43 Nov 30
@IndustMech Jan 8
@webmost Jan 3
@BKDog Dec 11
@d_blades Jan 2
@rsherman2 Jan 12
@NorCal Jan 18
Best of luck!
Oct 31 at midnight is the last time entries will be taken.
Dec 15th 6:15am
Ok fellas, here is the list of contestants
@Shaner9er the time span was Nov - Jan, if you get me a valid guess by end of day today, I'll update your entry.
but.. I put in Dec..
D@mn, sorry about that.
It's hell getting old but the alternative is worse.
@Shaner9er Dec 15 6:15
@Diver43 Nov 30 9:45
@BKDog Dec 11 8:30
@Yakster Dec 15
@d_blades Jan 2 10:15
@webmost Jan 3 11:00
@Wylaff Jan 4 11:20
@IndustMech Jan8
@rsherman24 Jan 12 1:35
@NorCalR1 Jan 18
His father signed the lease starting Nov 5th.
Keep in mind this contest is for the day he leaves the house to start living there.
His mother & him took the 1st load to the apartment yeaterday.
He is still sleeping at the house.
We take another load on Nov 14th.
Parents anxious to get him OUT
Step dad is.
, mom's going to have a hard time. Her only child.
I noticed the rules are not clear about one thing. The winner will be whoever is closest to the date. That was in my head when I originally but I never put it into the contest description.
**Example: ** @Diver43 guess will be valid until Dec 6th, on Dec 7th @BKDog is in contention. The ONLY date that needs the tie breaker is Dec 15th so only those times are listed.
UPDATE: 2nd load headed to Savannah today, still no idea what date he is looking to actually start living there.
@Diver43 11/30
@BKDog 12/11
@Yakster 12/15 3:00
@Shaner9er 12/15 6:15
@d_blades 1/2
@webmost 1/3
@Wylaff 1/4
@IndustMech 1/8
@rsherman24 1/12
@NorCalR1 1/18
Best of luck !
A long and happy independence, plenty of new girls, newly discovered capabilities, exciting plans, a modest smattering of getting high and feeling low, and a bright future. O, to be young again!