Possible fake... What say you?
Hey all, I just signed up. Long time smoker, first time caller... So a good friend just handed me this "Cuban Montecristo". He is NOT a smoker, and got this from another person. Check out these pics. From what I have seen personally with these and read about, the label should have embossed white dots, it does not. The Fleur de lis is way off, just about touches the circle on the lower right corner. And the lit end, well just look at it. Please give me your expert opinions. Many thanks.
You don't taste with your eyes. Who cares what it looks like, your palate should tell you if it's fake or not.
And an X-acto knife will tell you if there's hair or short filler in there.
I will be disassembling it shortly... I get no coffee, cinnamon, maybe a little leather, and no pepper notes at all. No sweetness and nothing fruity. It's kinda "muddy", not what ive experienced before. It also looks kinda dark. At least it was free!
Yikes, this is what fell out when i cut it down and opened it up... I think they made it after the swept the floor! There were a few long pieces but the majority looked like this...

Welcome to the forum. I wouldn't mention it being fake to your friend unless he presses the issue. It was nice of him to pass it on to you, and he probably wouldn't know the difference.
Unless he has a crush on your wife or something and he's trying to kill you ...then I would press it.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Didya send the new guy those Mockycristos I sent you, @VegasFrank??
No but that's a great idea @Trykflyr_1
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Short filler tells you everything.
Shape of the head looks off and the band is off center. What Island vacation did he buys these at?
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
Well, I have no idea where he's getting his shipments. I was given a pretty substantial list of a number of different "Cubans" and was told I now have a "hookup" for good cigars. I'm no noob, I've been smoking for about 35 years and have at times been asked to authenticate cigars. The reason I came here was because I couldn't believe the source it came from was a fraud, and had to hear it from someone else. I was kinda in shock, you know what I mean? I knew as soon as I saw the sloppy band that I was going to be opening a can of worms. But nevertheless, I appreciate all the comments, thank you all....
Now that you're here go to the newbie post and introduce yourself, it's a fun place.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Please pm me the source the cigar came from.
MOW badge received.
It was a nice fellow selling them on a beach in Mexico. Great prices. His brother-in-law works for a cigar importer. They only had the glass top 5 packs or they would have purchased more. Sorry you missed out my man.