"Stop being such a little ****!" BOMB

This right here is one of the many reasons I love this group! Tell your wife on the vherf to "Stop being such a little ****!" and live to tell about it, you just might get bombed by Sherm for it. Thanks @rsherman24 for the very generous 💣 and for all the laughs.
I for sure would be dead. Awesome sherminator!
MOW badge received.
Sorry I missed that herf. Great hit Sherm.
Man I missed that one too!!!
Those are some sweet sticks and great bomb sherm!
I haven't been on the vHerf yet but I bet @MrShrek wife slapped the fvck outta him!
Great, missed the excitement though.
By the way @TX98Z28 get your but on the vherf.
After I get a new IPhone I’ll consider it. I know I must be properly vetted but if I drink and get on there it could get wild 😜
No vetting necessary brother, if they will let me on they will let anyone on! Hope to see you on there soon.
You can drink on the vherf?
Only on days that end in "y"
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Interesting outcome. I'd a thought you'd just get b itch slapped for making a remark like that. Instead, you got cigars. It's a funny world.
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