January 2021 Lotto Winner is Trykflyr

Congrats, Paul, Addy up, lucky # 14 won this month. Witnessed by @peter4jc, @IndustMech, @Significant3, and @VegasFrank.
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Congrats, Paul, Addy up, lucky # 14 won this month. Witnessed by @peter4jc, @IndustMech, @Significant3, and @VegasFrank.
Congratulations Paul.
Yes! Congrats!!
Nice.....Safe for another month.

What's your favorite Victor Sinclair?
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Congrats, Paul.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Thanks, guys! PM sent to all with a good addy. Don't use the North Pole addy.. the goons will just destroy things.
I am surprised @WaterNerd or myself didn't win, but i will accept these election results. LOL!
Congrats! I've got a "care" package in the making and it will be Alaska bound shortly.
"Some people meditate, I smoke cigars." - Ron Perlman
"...I intend to go home tonight and smoke a cigar to the glory of God." - Charles Spurgeon
Two Time Cigar Lottery Winner
9405503699300220961173 Ships Monday.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...
Sure it coulda. Coulda been you! 😃😃
9114 9999 4431 4036 1767 05
On the way north
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
@peter4jc scores first with these lovelies, 6 of which i've never had. Thanks, Peter!!
9500112467361007577759 headed north.
Headed to the great white north

"Some people meditate, I smoke cigars." - Ron Perlman
"...I intend to go home tonight and smoke a cigar to the glory of God." - Charles Spurgeon
Two Time Cigar Lottery Winner
due saturday 1/16
2nd in is @Vision (I think)...no note & I forgot to match the tracking number before tossing the label. I did keep tge return addy tho, Elizabeth! Thanks, Duck Pete, if this was yours.
Fawk! I forgot! But yes those are from us.
@d_blades hammers me with this bunch, all nicely dated. Couple faves in there, David! TYVM!!
Francis got payback with these dog rockets, starschmucks coffee (instant no less!) and a dried outol' boveda.... I'm tellin' Santa.
Then redeemed himself with a pack of sweethearts. Thanks, @VegasFrank, only had 2 of those!
@Bob_Luken interlopin'? Whoda thunk it! No return addy on the box. Great selection of smokes! Thanks very much!!
No interloper, @Bob_Luken entered as #4.
I saw that after I posted it. It's hell to get old...
On its way.
Next up is @First_Warrior with a baker's half dozen of goodness. Thanks, Rodger! Gonna enjoy this week's worth of finery!
well ****, i actually like Flor de Olivas.... LOL
"Some people meditate, I smoke cigars." - Ron Perlman
"...I intend to go home tonight and smoke a cigar to the glory of God." - Charles Spurgeon
Two Time Cigar Lottery Winner
@silvermouse hit me with a fantastic forum fiver today. Thanks, Edward! The LFD and the Angel's Anvil are faves!
@BullSquatch knocks it for six with this fine hit. I was wondering why a fiver was so heavy. Thanks, Travis, the case was a welcome surprise and that Privada Cigar Club stick isn't long for this world. (I'm on their waitlist.....)