Humidor setup for 100 cigars

in Cigar 101
So I’m convinced this case elegance humidor is just a shiny piece of crap. I want a humidor that holds around 100 and is easy to maintain. Heard a lot about coolers and tupperdors. Do you guys suggest that? And if so how do you set up and maintain one. Also fairly new here and want to know what everybody is smoking on. Thanks!
You will find most on here do use coolidors and tupperdors. They will make storing your sticks much simpler. There are many discussions on here regarding that such as:
The search feature will lead you to most if not all of the answers that newbies like myself are curious about.
I highly recommend sticking around reading through many of the threads. You will learn a lot, even about stuff that you did not know to ask about. At least I have.
As for cigars, I am still finding my way and enjoying many, but my favorite so far is La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor.
@CtheHam awesome I’ll do some digging once I get off work. I’m currently stuck on the e.p Carrillo la historia. Although this humidor issue with it being too dry has made them lose a lot of flavor
Your perception may be the result of your mind playing tricks on you. From your posts I have read so far, your sticks should still be fine. (AKA not dried out.) New cigar smokers tend to overthink things a lot, especially worrying about proper storage. I know I was that way starting out. That's the best thing about coolers,..... put enough Bovedas in your cooler and you don't have to worry about your cigars. You are probably correct in your assumption that your humidor is worthless. Sorry Bro. Welcome to the forum.
@Bob_Luken yeah rookie mistake. So basically get a small cooler and put boveda in it. Do I need a hygrometer in there?
Actually,.... no. I know a guy who doesn't even use one (hygrometer). But I use them because I like the assurance they give me that all is well inside my coolers. I use a basic household hygrometer. You can get them at Walmart. Accurite is the brand. $10 is about what I paid. They work fine.

@Bob_Luken nice, how do I know how much boveda to use
Start with a 60 gram boveda for every 25 cigars. Extra bovedas are okay
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
@IndustMech Nice, thank you! As far as keeping the Coolidor below 70 degrees should it be fine just sitting there. For example my desktop humidor stays around 68-72
Look at it more as rite of passage...At least now you have a nice box to keep your lighters and cutters in.
Just keep following theses guys advice on the small cooler/tupperware and bovedas and you'll be fine.
Many of us keep desktop humidors inside of our coolers. I have a decent one that I keep my handing out (to non-smokers) sticks in, so when my neighbors come by I can set it out and let them feel fancy when they pick one.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
You can't use too many, the way they work. I find it cheaper to get the larger #320 Bovedas for use in my cooler(s).
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Just double what you think you need. I probably use more than I need, but that's ok. No harm will come of it.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Yes, if you double up you can always recharge half of your Bovedas and then swap them and recharge the other half.
Lately, I've been recharging my Bovedas by weight, I'll subtract the weight of the Boveda packs that I'm recharging from their stated capacity and fill up a Tupperware container with that amount of distilled water and add the packs for recharging. That way I don't have to worry about overcharging the Bovedas and I can better ration my distilled water supply.
Don't mix different %rH Bovedas when doing this otherwise they won't recharge equally.
I just don't get the bovedamania. I don't say they don't do what they're sposed to do. I just say that, once you go coolidor, they're an extravagant solution to a non-problem. By coolidor, I do not mean tupperdor. I have not found any tupperware nor any faux-tupp from the container store that works worth a crap compared to ice chests. I mean raid the shed for an unused Igloo or Coleman.
I keep my long term stash in this biggo ice chest such as fisherman put across the stern of their boat:

I cannot remember the last time I had to put anything in this to humidify it. I have a wireless remote hygrometer in there. Here's where it reads out right now:
Top area is the temp & damp inside the office (humidifier running gently, cause otherwise, with the heater gong, it would read 20 some percent in here). Bottom two rows show remote temp over humi. Leftmost, above the "w" is the coolidor which stores wrappers at 67%. Middle one is fillers at 59%. Rightmost is the big stashidor at 66%. Not one of these has ever seen a boveda. Perhaps once a year at most I might sprink a bit of water on the underside of the filler lid. That is prolly an exaggeration . It might be once a year that I even think about it.
Now I will admit this much: I do not live in Phoenix by a long shot. Damp-wise, DullAware prolly falls somewhere between the bleak wastelands of our American Southwest and, say, flyingcockroachland, aka Florida. I will also admit that my coolidors are tight-lidded. I chose them that way. The stashidor rarely gets opened. The fillerdor, a 40 qt Coleman, gets opened most often. The wrapperdor, a 48 qt Igloo, gets opened less. But for daily use, I have a couple 20-can Coleman Stackers which hold the filler and wrapper which I am currently working with. Those get opened daily. Stash goes from the huge cooler into a fine looking piece of marquetry which is advertised as a humidor. That box gets humidified by putting my fresh rolls in it daily. Otherwise, it leaks damp like nobody's business. Fresh rolls go into that ROTT and stay for 3 or 4 weeks. Keeps that box at about 65%, according to the analog meter that lives in it. In the past, it used to have a couple of those things you dip in water, & that's how I damped it in the past. But for the last couple years, during which I roll daily, ROTT does the trick. Totally different from the ice chests.
Bottom line is, from where I set, with about a kilogar in stash, once you go coolidor I wouldn't own a single Boveda, and I don't get why coolidor drivers would ever need one.
Now back to your regular programming.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
I have a coolidor. I need bovedas.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
That's it....I'm moving to Delaware.....
It's green here, that's for sure. I didn't know 71%. Hey, it's raining out there now at 58%.But, of course, it's never 70+% here in my office. Summer, with the A/C going, it's apt to be 50% or less. Winter, with the furnace going, it's under 30%.
Gotta go wrap a couple now... then boil up some sketties.
Enjoy your smokes.
Smokes cost more there. Like that twilight zone episode with the books and the glasses....
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Can you imagine if it was about Frank. Post apocalyptic world where Frank travels to warehouse. Arrives to find 100s of lighters but then realizes that due to COVID there is no butane!! You finally had time Frank...... finally had time!
Thread jack over....
Yes you can. In a cooler you only need about half what you’d use in a humidor. If there’s too many they don’t work the way they are supposed to. I made that mistake. Took forever to get the sogginess out of my sticks.
Ricky is still playing catch up.....
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.