Your Most Expensive Pipe
Show off the most expensive pipe in your collection. If it wasn't for restoring pipes I wouldn't own any expensive pipes. My favorite is an unsmoked 1970's German pipe that was inexpensive. High dollar pipes don't necessarily equate to a better smoking experience but I like all of mine. In my experience my high end pipes have an artistic or visual appeal. This is my Yeti 77 valued at $750. Let's see yours.
That's a beautiful pipe.
Yeti stuff is always expensive. 😊
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
I guess I should have stated no matter the price or brand show your most expensive. Don't care if its a Savinelli or Kaywoodie. Just want to see what you guys have.
Here is another. You could have a Ben Wade, Preben Holm, or one of his other brands of pipes that were actually made by Preben Holm himself but there is no way to tell. A lot of big names made pipes for him but there is no way to tell who made your specific pipe. The Preben Holm Private Collection pipes are the only ones in existence that you know for a fact were personally hand made by Preben Holm. I have had the opportunity to own 4 of these and each one was a work of art. This is the only one I have remaining in my collection. Value is hard to say. All of my others sold for over $600. Brand new in a shop I have seen these for $1200. I am a huge Preben Holm and Danish Freehand fan but I felt owning 1 was enough so I could try some others. This one was my smallest.

My two most expensive, roughly $265 each. Not terribly expensive compared to some.
I think that the reason you're not getting as many replies as you should to this, Jake, is that the first step is admitting that one has a problem, and we're not ready to take that step.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Those are both beauties. I like how the stem mounts on each one. The price doesn't really matter. I could never afford these pipes I have if it hadn't been for restoring pipes and some crazy good luck. I have had some really amazing high end pipes from Ferndown, Dunhill, Preben Holm, to artisan pipe makers and many more. Sometimes I regret selling some of them but I know I gave them new life and someone is enjoying them. It helped me grow my collection which I seem to continuously add and take from.
I also didn't intend to make anyone feel weird if you are in love with cobs or basket pipes or anything just affordable. Those count too. Maybe I should have asked what is your most prized pipe?