Well, now, that’s the absolute s h I t s....

This morning, for some unknown reason, videos posted on this forum have quit functioning as they should and I get a stupid error message instead. You guys may remember that this happened to me a while back.
I never figured out what I must have done to cause this issue to begin the first time or why it went back to working properly after a few days.
But now it’s back and it’s just as maddening as the last time. Any of you IT whizzes got any idea how to fix this?
Oh, BTW, one of my more stupid moves to try to correct this was to delete the icon for the forum from my iPhone screen thinking I’d reinstall it and maybe fix it. Now I can’t figure out how to get the icon back - it isn’t found at the App Store like I thought it would.
I musta OD’d on stupid pills this morning... 😜
Maybe delete your site cookies and internet browser cache? Not really sure and I don't have an iPhone
Don't think the site has an app.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
No app, but there has been an icon on my screen for as long as I can remember and I don’t know how I got it there.... I’m such a dumbkopf... 🙄
(Icon? Widget? I dunno)
It was likely a shortcut saved to the homepage.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
The problem may have solved itself once again. This time, it turns out, I had an update to my iPhone going on that I was unaware of. Once the update completed, things were back to normal except for the missing icon. And I found an “add a (something) to your homepage so I clicked on it and “VOILA!!” I was magically whole again.
It’s amazing to me how s h I t like this happens..... 👍🙄🙄
The other OS calls that a widget, not sure about Apple products