What has happened to the industry?

Prices are going through the roof. So much as 20 and 30% over the last couple years. I have to say if this is the trend, I'm out. Don't know if the industry is taking advantage of this plague. But if they are they all can kiss my hairy white @#@$$. P####n, through the roof I see a box of 19#6 is over $500.00. Kiss my @#@$ P####n. Your out of line and you know it. Even your cheap 1000 series, way out of line. Get real, your just not that good at that price point. And look at all the others. Same thing. I will spend my money on things that mean something. Now a box on RP for over $180. Get real. And the distributors, if you don't buy them then they WILL drop their price. Give the new startups opportunity to move the "ELITE" out.
From a long time cigar fan to a market who has lost their way.
Adios, later,cya... not me. Later
Good to see you @curtpick. You have to shop in the right places
My favorite cigar list here
Sounds like Drunk Ricky? But Ricky's on the boat... ;-)
I have not seen prices go up, but maybe it's been happening so slowly I didn't notice. Did you take a break from buying, Curt, and now that you're back it's sticker shock?
I haven't bought or looked in a long time. I have noticed in my recent searches that $15 seems to be the new norm or maybe I am just a cigar snob. I was talking to my brother in law and reminiscing about the days of getting the cigar catalog and shopping based off how many cigars we could get. 50 cigars for $40!! Sign me up. I just wish I could go back to loving those cheap inexpensive gems however revisiting them is not a pleasant experience. Everything I like seems to be high dollar. I did see a few manufacturers make statements about raising prices and the reasoning. Don't remember the details but at least they are communicating with their consumer base. I always hunt for a sale no matter what I am buying. With today's technology it makes finding a deal easier.
I’ve also noticed a jump in price over the last few weeks on some auction sites. $3-$10 bucks a box more on starting bid. The “Page” has stayed pretty consistent tho.
Was that a dry beg for a gift certificate to a Brazilian wax place?
PS - Padron is the best cigar on the market.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I shave
I don’t know if it’s the best, but I very seldom regret picking one out the humidor...
Prove it
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
When it happens...... just reminder..... you asked.
Missed ya Curt!!!! Stop in on the ZOOM one night.
MOW badge received.
No Pat, those days are done for me.
To those who think I'm begging? You don't know me very well. Now let's get real.
Padron is NOT best on the market. They want you to believe that because they want your coin. Otherwise, you are nothing to them. And you're a tool for them when you spout that nonsense. Now go back to smoking your RP dog logs.
Drunk? NOT.
Pissed at the industry, yes.
I've met a lot of good people here, and a whole lot of plain ass rude jerks. I guess that comes with the territory. Forums are a great place to hide your real self.
To all the people I still call friends. You'll be missed.
To you asshats...find a life, and try getting outside sometime. You might find that there is more to life. And a whole hell of a lot more to life than cigars.
Lighten up francis!
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I missed something.
Fvucking Frank
My favorite cigar list here
Damn, I feel like I'm really missing out...
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Hard to find good deals on Padron.
Seems like more people on the bid sites.
I've met you a couple times on vherf, hope you'll reconsider hanging out again, sometime.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Good to hear from you @curtpick , hope things are well...
Okay, apparently I overreacted to your overreaction @curtpick, so let me extend an olive branch 🫒
I'll sponsor your newbie trade. Since you've been gone so long, some may think you've lost your street cred. I'll be sure to send you some RP that you're apparently infatuated with, and some padrons that you ostensibly can't afford. I'll throw in a butt wax kit and a couple of prozac too.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Problem I have is quality control. I hate tight draws and plugged cigars. Just tossed the rest of my Cusano Connecticut and Archetype Axis Mundi cigars (two vitolas) because they are all not enjoyable due to tight rolls. Also tossed the 601 La Bomba Flashbang cigars because they have gone flat compared to the older higher quality ones. Tossing boxes worth of cigars out sucks because I hate wasting money but I have little patience for poorly rolled cigars and/or cigars that go flat.
I've had several of these purges over the years (hundreds of cigars) and it's irritating and frustrating. I have plenty of cigars but I will be sticking to only a few manufacturers that I know I can count on for properly rolled cigars, that are of high quality, for any future purchases going forward. Particularly now that prices are indeed creeping up.
I still miss you Curt, hit me up any time.
MOW badge received.
But that would mean meeting peoples and I hate peoples
Is there a chance you missed a med or have rants always been your post of choice?
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Whats up Curt. Hope your good. Check out cigarauctioneer.com
-- Winston Churchill
If you haven’t noticed members here have a tendency to go into a rant from time to time. And sometimes people join just to make one post ranting about random customer service or their order took an extra day or two.
Always gotta love it when an OG comes back after bailing on the forum to tell us how much things suck and how much better it was in the before times.
As my Wife would say, "you'd better scratch your a$$ and get happy."
Hope you are well, @curtpick.