Smoking like a diesel train...

Joke: A young bull excitedly says to an elder bull, after spotting a herd of females at the bottom a hill... "Let's run down there an fuc# one of them!" The elder bull calmly says, "Let's walk down there and fuc# them all!"
The point of this is: as a newbie, I find myself smoking a cigar WAY faster than those around me.
I soon hope to learn to slow down and really enjoy the experience... enjoy them all!
Things are about to get interesting...
ex or current cigarette smoker? There is less nicotine in aged tobacco and maybe you are going for that?
For me it's more of a a time management type of thing. I like to give myself an hour and half minimum to smoke and enjoy a cigar, and pick the size of the cigar to fit that time frame. If I know I need to do something in an hour, the size goes down.
I know I smoke to fast while driving, plus there's a lot of distractions going on so I'm not really paying much attention to taste and burn. I'll pick something I wont mind tossing out the window if it gets bitter or I run out of time.
You could set up an interval timer on your phone, probably an app. And set it up for a minute or minute and a half. I've done this before. Still do it sometimes if I'm reading or otherwise distracted. Helps me not to forget to puff and conversely, not to puff too often.
EDIT: The way my app works is it makes a beep or chirp or bell sound or there are other sounds to choose from, barking dog, etc. But the thing I wanted to add is that you set it and it makes a sound every time the timer gets down to zero and then automatically starts over. You don't have to touch anything. It goes over and over through the cycle by itself.
Where's the chick? I thought I would get to watch that chick work out.
False advertising
I did the phone timer too for a while when newer. It's a great training device.
The thing is, most cigars have their own pace that they want to be smoked at. So mainly there are two things to watch, the shape of the cherry after ashing and the wrapper; too fast and the cherry is a cone/has a point, and too slow and you're burning the filler but not so much the wrapper.
Another bovine joke for ya,

@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I smoked cigarettes nearly 20 years ago and ex chewing tobacco user too. I still chew nicotine gum however....
I think you're right! I still french-inhale a lot of the time while I'm smoking a cigar.
Things are about to get interesting...
I've been trying to slow my pace and have been having problems burning down the filler, like the wrapper is damp and I know it's not. Thanks.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
I wish someone had schooled me on this when I first started smoking cigars.
Agree. We need a "Groan" button.
No! Speaking as the groanee in this instance. Groans should require effort. You guys have put forth the effort. Well done!